Chapter nine

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My breath hitched, failing to supply oxygen to my lungs as my eyes registered the pure anger radiating off of Darcy. His eyes were dark and livid as he stilled, becoming very silent as Lilly shot up from the seat and made a dash across the room, to the main foyer. I followed her quietly and tensely, my anxiety spiking at the wild look in her eyes as she ran.

"Your human needs to be taught manners." Cavin laughed as he swung his arm around my shoulder. "Like my docile little one."

I wanted to shrug it off and spit out insults but I just sat there, looking dazed and afraid. Darcy stood slowly, before walking as slowly in the foyer. From where I sat, I could hear the poor girl fumble with the door in her desperate attempt to flee. Screams ensued, screams of anguish and terror that shook the entire room and vibrated through my ears and body.

"Such a dramatic." Shira sighed, picking at the meat on her plate.

"Come." Cavin said and I left my half eaten soup as I stood stiffly and he grabbed my hand and began to pull me along.

We walked down the empty hallways I had come through earlier until he stopped outside of a door and stepped inside, pulling me in after him. I had been waiting for the inquisition and had been planning on what lies sounded the most believable the entire morning. I had to de ready for any questions he fired at me. I guessed he brought me to an empty study for fear that we'd be overheard.

He turned slowly, a grin spread across his face to mask the shadow of curiosity that I didn't miss.

"So, What are you?" Cavin asked curtly and I cocked my head to a side.

"What do you think."

He hummed. "I'll make someone very clear Aurora. I just saw you bring a wolf back from the brink of death. It looked like magic, but yet your not a witch because those kind of healing powers don't exist. You're in a predicament because if you were just a human, you'd be no different than all the others that have passed through here and have never left. Humans are not dealt good cards among my kind. However Aurora, if you were something ... other than a normal human, it would entitle you to a security and protection that would highly profit you."

I hummed in response.

"And if I don't tell you?"

His eyes grew hard, loosing the playfulness that they held earlier. He was in my in seconds, his hot breath fanning across my face as his glared down at my small frame.

"Maybe I've given you the wrong impression Aurora but I'm not one to be taken likely. If I do not like those that I claim, they suffer. You wouldn't like to be in the receiving end of that kind of treatment, no?"

"I suppose not." I agreed and his nose flared in anger as he slammed his hand down on the table.

"Dammit, I'm getting nowhere with you."

"Im not sure what I am, Ive always have these capabilities but I was hid away for exactly that reason."

His eyes brightened as he took in the information. "Interesting." He murmured. "Where did you hide? In that little town?"

I nodded. "Yes."

He raised an eyebrow at my story, leaning across the desk and placing his face in his hands in mock interest.

"Aurora..." he drawled out. "Are you telling me the truth?"

I paled. "What reason would I have to lie?"

He let out a brief laugh. "Very well, what are the names of your parents?"

I stilled, looking up at him in confusion, like a deer in the headlights. "Why?"

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