Chapter 24

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Leo steppes forward, into where the small crowd dispersed, leaving Gloria and I in the middle. I stood stiffly, casting unapologetic eyes towards Isaac. He didn't even seem to see me, his cold eyes narrowing at Gloria's form. She had fallen to her knees, her slender form shaking as realization set in.

"Alpha, I was only doing what I thought was best for -." Isaac held up his hand and silenced her immediately, locking his solemn gaze on Leo. He waved his hand, motioning for him to start speaking.

"Before our Luna arrived, you were a cold alpha. A good, respected alpha. But you were mateless and as a result; unapproachable. Gloria was our lead warrior and the one we looked up to. At the beginning, she wasn't like this-" he waved his hand backwards towards her.

"I'll speak brazenly and unapologetically so that you'll understand. I will not filter my words as what I have to say is shared by every pack member of this room."

Isaac's eyes hardened and he have a rough nod. "Speak."

"Little by little Gloria changed. Pack rumors said that she would be the next Luna. There was uncertainty in the pack and all of the members could feel it. We had no Luna, and our alpha was in pain without his other half. It first started when someone questioned her; told her she could not be Luna as she was not your mate. It was a seven year old child who said this to her. That seven year old child was sent to the pack doctor after having both of his hands broken."

Isaac's eyes found Gloria's again. He showed no emotion, just a steely, blank face. I felt a chill run through my spine.

"Little by little it worsened. She'd pair the weakest wolves against the strongest as a means to humiliate them for their 'weakness.' Anyone who questioned her would end up getting their bones broken and for the stronger warriors - she targeted our younger siblings - claiming she'd break punish them for our actions."

Isaac gritted his teeth. "And I wasn't made aware of this why?"

"BECAUSE YOU WERE COMPLETELY MANIPULATED BY HER." Leo yelled, anger overtaking his body. His eyes widened, seemingly surprised at his own words and Isaac let out a low growl in response.

"We believed you would not take our words seriously - you were in a daze - while you were a good alpha, you were oblivious to what was happening within your own pack. How could we approach someone who seemed to be completely within the palm of her hand? We feared she had you wound so tightly that if we said anything, we'd lose our place as warriors or even be punished.

She threatened her status as 'the next luna' and promised she'd shame our families if we spoke up against her. She claimed she had you on her side and you'd agree with her."

Isaac balled his hands into fists, closing his eyes in aggravation. He let out a low sigh before he trained his cool gaze on Gloria. "Do you have anything to say?"

She let out a light, airy laugh. "You must be kidding."

Wolves stepped forward - defending Leo's claims and giving their own experiences with her. She didn't even seem affected by their words - instead her eyes were on Isaac's.

"Isaac please. You know me, you've known me for years. I was supposed to be Luna. I was there for you when she was off who knows where. I was there for you when you needed it, I consoled you after you mother -"

"I'd think very carefully about your next words." He said sharply and she sighed heavily, her burning gaze directed at me.

"You told me you loved me."

I felt a sharp pain In my chest as her words cut deeply. I had no right to judge who he loved and what he did before I knew Him. However the fact that he seemingly gave his love away so easily to someone so toxic left me feeling uneasy and apprehensive. She knew things I didn't - the way she spoke about his mother. He'd never even mentioned his family to me.

How well did I really know Isaac?

"You were there when I needed you. But I never loved you." He said calmly, his voice cold enough to freeze hell over. To be honest the way he was acting was unfamiliar and left me Ill at ease.

She let out a light laugh, void of any humor before she trained her hard eyes on mine, her lips pulling up into a half smile.

"So you were using me? Making love to me to fill that void in your soul. That darkness that consumes you - you'll never escape it. And it just might taint her in the end."

Isaac's eyes lit up in a blaze of fury and he  let out a loud growl that vibrates through the room. She rose to her feet, smiling in defeat.

"Bring her to the cells, I'll deal with her later." He said calmly after he had calmed down. Wolves moved to grab her arms and she didn't put up any resistance, only grinned wildly at me as she was being hauled away.

"I bet you're questioning a few things now Luna."

Hearing her words, Isaac's eyes snapped to mine, almost as if he had only noticed I was there. His eyes flashed with panic for a second before he approached me, his grey eyes calming down as he reached for me -  but I pulled away quickly, my eyes finding his and shaking my head.

"This is not something I'll just forget Isaac."

I didn't know how I felt, I wasn't sure if I was angry or disappointed or both. I knew I was upset but I needed to work through all the things in my head and figure out how to deal with the situation.

"Aurora, " he murmured. "I can explain. I never intended to hurt you."  His eyes filled with pain and I had to resist the urge to fall into his embrace and ensure him everything would be okay.

"I need some time." I said before sidestepping him and walking out. Nobody  moved, silence resonated throughout the room.

He was so manipulated by someone that he failed to see who she truly was - and if the words she spoke were true - he also failed to mention to me that they had that kind of relationship. He thought I'd kindly take to the idea of being trained by the person he used to...

Not only that but she seemed to know things he'd never even mentioned to me before. And when he walked into that room - it's like he didn't even notice me. The question circled my mind again and again. Did I really know him?


What do you guys think? Should she forgive Isaac ?? Also, he doesn't seem like the kind of person to be easily manipulated 🤔  how did she manage to sink her claws in so deep? But finally Isaac has woken up after all the damage has been done. What should Aurora do?

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