- Chapter 2

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A/N : Sorry for the delay people, but chapter 2 is finally here! :D I promise that chapter 3 won't take as long as this chapter... So sorry :( Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and will enjoy the upcoming chapters! :) 

''Breakfast was delicious! Thanks Clemont!'' Ash complimented the blonde boy while stretching out his body. 

''Thanks Ash,'' Clemont grinned '', and how about Spritzee?'' 

Serena looked at her new friend who smiled and nodded thankfully at Clemont. 

''She thinks it tastes great!'' The honey-blonde girl smiled. 

Clemont signed a 'thank you' and cleaned up the dishes. A couple of hours passed by and the gang was walking around in the forest again, searching for the road that leaded them back to Lumiose city to get Ash his fifth gym badge!  Ash stumbled and tripped over a rock. He hit the ground with a smack. Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and worriedly stood across of his partner. Clemont took one step closer and Bonnie hold on to Dedenne. Serena knelled down next to Ash. 

''Are you OK?'' She asked worried while helping the raven haired boy stand up and walk to a big stone. Ash sat down on the stone and scratched his head slightly embarrassed. 

''Yes I'm fine hehe...'' 

Serena rolled her eyes and saw he was lying. She poked his left arm. The boy flinched and looked away. 

''We needed to take a rest anyways, we're walking for a couple hours already and still haven't found any sign of an exit.'' Clemont said slightly out of breath. Bonnie grabbed her big brother's arm and yelled : ''Lets make some lunch, we're really hungry right Dedenne?''

''Sure, you two make dinner I'm starving!'' Ash jokingly said. But it was hard to hide the pain he felt in his arm.  

''Meanwhile I take care of your arm. Just like you did to my knee when we were little remember?'' Serena smiled. 

Ash smiled too and nodded. ''Sure sure.'' Pikachu jumped on his hat and copied his face. Serena took of Ash's jacked and grabbed a napkin. The honey-blonde frowned and grabbed his arm softly. 

''It surely is broken... Hopefully we find the exit of this forest soon...'' She mumbled softly as she softly wrapped the napkin around his upper arm. She made a cute ribbon out of it and stood up satisfied. 

''Looks fine, right Fennekin?'' She smiled. 

Fennekin nodded and barked in agreement. 

Another hour passed by and the team was back on the road again. Serena was walking very close to Ash. She watched her steps closely, scared of falling. It was getting very dark and cold. Winter was coming. It was not hard to tell with the sudden breezes and the dark sky. The only lights in this forest where the Volbeats and Illumises who flew by once in a while. I'm not scared... I'm not scared... Serena kept telling herself while looking around. She proved yesterday how brave she was by catching a Spritzee she couldn't ruin that...

"Are you OK Serena?" Ash asked quietly.

The honey haired girl nodded and raised her head. "Yup. Perfectly fi-" She slipped and leaned backwards in a hope not to fall.

Ash grabbed her waist so she didn't fall. He held her tightly, afraid to let her hit the ground. An awkward silence fell and their faces where only inches away from each other. Serena was blushing darkly as she felt Ash's warm breath on her face. Ash stared at her for awhile but than looked away and put her back on her own feet. Serena looked down embarrassed and hid her hands behind her back.

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