Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It turns out the Quidditch Match didn't go so badly after all.

Dominique actually managed to hit the bludger three times without falling off her broom, which was definetly an improvement. And Albus wasn't hit in the face by the Quaffle once! Except for Teddy and Victoire, who were giggling like chipmunks and snogging like animals - I really felt like throwing the Quaffle at them at one point- it was an even game. 

Currently, though, I was sitting at the kitchen table reading the Daily Prophet while Molly helped Grandma Molly cook breakfast - only appropriate since they're namesakes. Lily, on the other hand, was sniffinf around the fridge for something to eat, and Lucy was daydreaming beside me. I had grown quite used to Lucy's daydreaming and not paying attention- the only times she was actually really concetrated was during her ballet classes. 


Well they'll be hearing from my mother about that. I can only imagine what she'll tell them- probably the same old speech she always uses when either Hugo, Dad or I say something 'insulting' towards the department; You'll see, when the creatures are extinct, you'll be saying, oh how I miss them, and you will all finally notice how important they are! Bla, bla, bla...

"Mail's here!" Lucy sings, skipping towards the window where a grey owl is pecking constantly on. Her auburn hair swings as she walks, like if she were on a permanent skip-a-thon. She opens the window and carefully unties the package of letters from the exhausted looking owl. She then shuffles her hand around in her pocket and pulls out a suspicious looking cookie. "Mr.Owl, I don't have any mice in my pocket at the moment, will a cookie do?" 

She fed the owl and it took off. "Lucy, dear, let me see the mail, yes?" Grandma Molly says, her eyes crinkling as she smiles. "I'll take care of making sure everyone recieves their appropriate mail." I swear Molly sent me a sidelong glance, but no one else seems to notice. 

Lucy shrugs, wrinkling her nose. "Okay, I suppose. The firt one is for Rose though, so we can just give it now, right?" Molly, who seems to have been making wild gestures behind Grandma smacks her forehead frustratedly. 

"Do you not get anything I tell you?" Molly groans, stomping towards the oven and hastily throwing a pancake into the air. I furrow my eyebrows. Are they hiding mail from me? What the bloody hell are they talking about?

"What the bloody hell are you all talking about?" I ask, standing up and ignoring Lily who apparently is now very interested in what I was reading, and proceeded to pester me with questions. 

"What's this about?"

"Are you hiding mail from me? Who-"

"Isn't Aunt Mione going to be so mad?"

"Does that?"

"And imagine if they re-do it-"

"We're hiding mail from her?" Lucy asks, knitting her brows together. 

"Yes, you idiot, now you've ruined it!"

"And then she's so writing to the Ministry-"


"And they'll have to un-do it. There should be a undo spell-"

"GIRLS!" Grandma Molly finally intercepts out four-way conversation-more like random people shouting at eachother but okay,- and crosses her arms. "Thank you. Now, Lucy, you must've read it wrong, sweetie, because this is for Ron, not Rose." she smiles at me. I let out a hissing sound through my nose unintentionally. 

Roses on the Sidewalk {HP}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα