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I finally get to sleep in after three nights of interrupted sleep in a new bed I'm adapting to. I force one eye open, noting the slits of sunlight shining through my blinds, randomly searching my bed for my phone.

1PM. I realize the time. I must've had at least a full twelve-hour sleep then, since I remember crashing early once getting back from the supper with them. Just then, my phone begins to vibrate violently and I drop it flat on my nose, cursing at myself.

"Hello mother," I answer the call after seeing my mom's name and photo display on the screen. She must be calling to check on how it's been with Wayne.

"You don't sound pissed off, thank God."

"Were you expecting me to be?" I question and she stays silent, probably debating about the right thing to say. She knows anything involving Wayne should be taken carefully and said with consideration.

"I just needed assurance that both my children are well and alive," she jokes, but gets more serious at the end. "I don't have to personally come over, do I?"

I laugh, hearing the uncertainty in her voice. I can't blame her for being nervous about us under the same roof. Heck, a couple of days ago, I was the anxious one.

"We're surviving, or at least I am." I assure her and hear her lets out a deep breath. "But how's my apartment going?"

"Working on it, my dear."

I sigh. "Well, alright then. I'm not being choosy, just get me whatever." And it's true. Compared to Wayne's four-bedroom apartment, I'm sure I can do fine with just a studio.

"Let me worry about that, honey." Mom says, and I imagine her smiling behind the phone. I haven't made a single complain about Wayne to her; not that I don't have any but I'd think she wouldn't believe me even if I told her about our current relationship.

"I'll wait for your good news, momma. I love you," I end the call afterwards and sit up on bed, deciding what to do with the rest of Sunday.

It's the start of school tomorrow and what better than to spend my last weekend lazing and doing absolutely nothing at all. We can leave the freshman anxiety for tomorrow.

I stroll down the stairs to the living hall, hearing nothing but silence in the house. Apparently they all must be out, since there isn't any brunch today either. Well, that really sucks.

Waking up to no food. Ugh.

I carry my MSI laptop down to the dining table with me, before browsing the pantry for some sort of convenience food. Lucky me, I manage to find cups of instant noodles in my favourite Tom Yum flavour.

I fill up the hot water to the line, then bring my noodles to the table for the three-minute wait. I start up my 18" widescreen gaming set-up, fiddling with the neon lights on my Razer mouse. Nobody would have guessed that I own an impressive GT80S Titan rig, neither would they guess that I actually play video games.

Thirty minutes into my competitive game, I get too engrossed and annoyed at my teammate that I finally use the mic function to vent my frustrations. I rarely ever speak in a game of CS:GO, especially not on solo queue matches, because the players tend to be boys and boy do they act crazy when there's a girl in their team.

"Quit being a whiny bitch, Green." I hold on to my 'G' key as I speak through my earphones which also acts as my microphone.

Our score is currently 14-6, me being on the losing team. To top it off, my very useless team mate who has zero kill and fifteen deaths keeps going on and on about there being a cheater on the opposite team; clearly just because he can't win against them.

I Hate My Brother (editing!)Where stories live. Discover now