Chapter 10

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"Well, that depends," answered Ms. Sparrow, smoothly. "Under the law, you have no right to make your own decisions—but you do have the power to determine who decides."

"What do you mean?" asked Karl.

"Someone is going to have to decide whether to let you stay here at CyberCamp or to send you home. Would you rather have that person be me, or your father?"

"I don't know," Karl hesitated. "Would you let me stay here? Because I know my Dad wouldn't."

"Of course I would let you stay here, Karl," she laughed. "Remember—I'm on your side."

"Well then, sure, I'd rather have you decide," he answered. "How do we make that happen?"

"It isn't too complicated," she assured him. "But first, come with me. Let me show you what CyberCamp is really like before we decide." She led him out of the office, down a shining corridor, and into a large white room with a cybersuit in the middle. Karl gazed at it longingly.

"Wow," he said. "It looks a lot more complicated than the one I've got."

"Oh, yes," she answered. "Yours is a toy compared with this model. All yours does is mimic the gross body movements, with a glove for fine finger control. But look at this!" She opened up the suit and pointed to the inner lining. "There are thousands of actuators inside the suit here to simulate every sensation." She went to a panel on the wall and clicked with a mouse. "Close your eyes," she commanded. He did. "Now smell," she said.

Karl sniffed. "Pine trees!" he exclaimed.

"Wait a second," she responded. "Now smell again."

"The sea!" He opened his eyes, amazed. "That's incredible!" He looked curiously at the wires that led away from the suit. "What are these tubes?" he asked.

She looked down modestly. "This suit is designed to allow you to literally live in Olympus. There are certain, ahem, bodily functions which must be dealt with."

Karl blushed. "I see. Does that mean you eat in Olympus, too?"

"Oh, yes indeed," she said. "Hop into the suit." He did so, eagerly. "When was the last time you ate?" she asked, sweetly.

Karl thought about this. He suddenly realized how long it had been, and hunger roared up out of the pit of his stomach like a tiger. "Breakfast," he groaned. "And that was just a bowl of corn flakes."

"How would you like a steak dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh vegetables and a deep dish apple pie?"

"Would I!" he roared. She clicked the mouse again, and a slot opened up in the wall, revealing a steaming tray on a shelf.

Karl peered into the shadows and saw butter melting into the fluffy white potatoes, and a steak so large it flopped off the plate on either side. "This is going to be truly excellent," he drooled.

"Let's get a few details out of the way, then, so you can get started on your new life in Olympus!" said Ms. Sparrow. "I'll call Max to hook you up to the suit while I run back to my office and get your file." The tobacco-stained driver swaggered in the doorway. Karl's flesh recoiled from his touch, but Ms. Sparrow had darted out of the room. Mercifully, Max was skilled at his work, and Karl was sealed inside the cybersuit before Ms. Sparrow returned. "Comfy?" Ms. Sparrow smiled down at him. She pulled out the clipboard and filled in "Huber, Karl" on the top line. "Shall we just fill in the CyberCamp address for your home?" she asked.

Olympus: It's Not Just a Gameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें