Chapter 12

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Four people watched Mr. Huber eagerly as he stood in the cybersuit. The black helmet swiveled left and right as he tried to get his bearings. Then, suddenly, he shouted, "Karl! Karl!" Clumsily, he began to run, "Come back here, boy!"

"Oh catch him, catch him!" Nancy cried. Noah bit his lip. Mr. Huber's arms and legs pumped awkwardly as he tried to push himself through invisible bodies in a crowded street. Then, abruptly, he stopped, looking all about him. "Karl!" he shouted again. He thrashed around in circles. "Karl," he cried desperately.

"Looks like he's lost him," Jacob whispered.

"What'll we do?" Nancy exclaimed. Mr. Huber slid into a steady jog, looking from side to side as he went. But it was no use. His breath came in short gasps, and he drew to a halt.

"I can't find him," he groaned. "He's gone." Mr. Avery helped him lift the helmet off his head. "He was this far away from me," he roared, holding out his arms.

"It's okay, Dan," said Mr. Avery, trying to quiet him. "Even if you had caught him, what could you do?"

Mr. Huber growled, "Teach him a lesson or two."

"No, you'd just drive him further away," corrected Mr. Avery. "We can't force him. We have to win him back." He stopped and thought. "Noah says he's got no money. How much difference does that make in this game?"

His son scratched his head. "It looks like it makes a big difference. You can't get a sword or food or anything without money."

"Okay, so we just have to be patient," reasoned Mr. Avery. "We'll catch up with him yet. Although it's going to be hard to catch him one-on-one."

"What if we went back to the video arcade and each got a suit?" asked Nancy.

"I thought you hated that place," retorted Noah.

"I do," she shuddered. "It gives me the creeps. But it makes sense, doesn't it?"

Mr. Avery nodded. "I think you're onto something there, Nancy. What time does the mall open?"

"About ten, I think," Jacob answered. "On Sunday, I mean."

"Sunday. I forgot about that," frowned Mr. Avery. "We need to go to church."

"Church!" snorted Mr. Huber. "You let my son run away, and you're going to church?"

Mr. Avery bit his lip. How he wanted to tell this man what he really thought of him. If he had gone to church a little more, his son might never have run away! But he controlled himself. "We'll have someone here in the cybersuit all night. We get out of church about twelve, so all we will miss is a couple of hours. And I'm telling you, Dan, we're more likely to find Karl if we pray for a miracle than if we turn our backs on God."

"You do as you want," growled Mr. Huber. "I'll be at the video arcade at ten."

"Okay, and we'll be there at twelve. But who's going to spend the night in the cybersuit?"

"I'll do it," volunteered Noah.

"He won't trust you twice," his father said.

"Let me do it," suggested Nancy. "He'll come to me."

Mr. Avery thought about that. "I don't think so, darling," he answered. "That's generous and brave of you, but I don't think it's wise."

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