18. Apologies and Illusions

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"I need to go talk to my handler." Kara stared at the security guard looming over her, blocking her path to the building exit.

"I don't think so. The Council didn't say anything about a meeting with your handler," the guard said in clipped tones. He remained, stubborn and impassable, in front of the door.
Kara had only gotten a few restful hours of sleep. She hadn't been allowed to go to her classes, and Jace had periodically shown up to grab something from the dorm and try to meet Kara's eyes.

"I'm allowed to talk to him. I left my schoolwork in his office and I need to go grab it."

"That can wait," the guard grunted.

A crash sounded from behind them. Kara snapped around to see a kid levitating off the floor, desperately flailing to get down, shooting ice down at the kid controlling him. A knot of trainees started forming around them.

The guard looked at Kara, then at the fight, then back at her.

"Well? Aren't you gonna do anything?"

"Stay here," the guard barked and ran down the hall.

Kara waited until he'd turned around and then dashed out the door.

She pulled her hood over her face and ran out. Rain pelted the streets, drops pricking her arms. Between the rain and the Smog, she couldn't see more than five feet in front of her. Rain streaming down her face, she took the route by memory, bumping into walls on the way. She sprinted up the stairs to the Super HQ, holding her arm out over her face, and burst through the door.

She pushed through the crowds in the lobby, rivulets of water streaming down her jacket, and ran straight to Harrison's office.

He didn't look up when she walked in, absorbed in something on the device on his desk, his other hand laced through his hair.

When she slammed the door, he looked up. He pulled a fistful of leaves from his hair and cursed.

"Kara, what are you doing here?"

"Why did you do that?" she blurted. "Why would you take all the blame like that?"

Harrison sighed. "Please, take a seat Kara. We need to talk."

She sank down into the chair.

"First of all . . . What you did, sneaking out in the dead of night, was extremely reckless and irresponsible, and I'm disappointed. Though at this point I don't know what else to expect from you."

Kara flinched. Heat crawled up her face. Harrison's disappointment stung more than any disapproving Council member's. She swallowed her protests, knotting her fingers in her lap. He has a point.

He leaned forward, absently drumming his fingers on the desk. He pulled away vines that were crawling up his arms and kept tangling through his gloved fingers. "Secondly, if you're involved in anything dangerous, Kara, I need to know." His sharp eyes glowed green. "I am serious about this. You need to act with caution. I covered for you yesterday; I came as soon as I heard, but I may not be able to again." He lowered his voice to nearly a breath. "These are dangerous things to mess with, Kara. Don't trust everything you hear . . . and please, I need you to be safe."

A chill ran down Kara's back. "What are you—"

"We can't talk about this now," Harrison said calmly, leaning back in his seat. His voice was a low murmur, barely hearable. He turned back to the briefings on his desk. "You never know who is listening here."

What does any of that mean? Between Xavier, Kian, Ezra, Jace, and now Harrison, Kara was sick of everyone acting cryptic and withholding information. But she wasn't about to push Harrison any further. "Are you going to get into trouble for this?" she said.

Secret Super (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora