Sequel Announcement

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Hi everyone, I have an exciting announcement to make: the sequel to Secret Super is up! The new book is called Super Spy and will be updated every Friday.

Here is the blurb:

Rule-following sidekick Jace used to believe in the superhero Council. Then her former superhero, Kara, runs away with her partner Zadia to form a rebel supervillain organization.

Jace's role in Kara's downfall draws the Council's interest, and they want her knowledge to help them track down the supervillains. Yet Jace can no longer ignore the corruption in the superhero system that led to the deadly Smog killing the city. Pretending to spy for the superheroes, she works in secret as a double agent to help the rebel group create a system she can believe in.

But the rebels struggle to survive the superheroes' aggressive attacks and the dangers of living in the wilderness as they attempt to eradicate Smog. Desperation forces them to turn to ancient forces living deep in the wild, in an alliance that begins spinning out of control. Navigating her dangerous new life as a double agent, mired in the tangled secrecy of so many different factions, Jace must decide who to trust in the battle for her city's soul.


You can read the sequel here:

Hope you enjoy it!

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