3 | He Loves Me

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Once dragging my numbing legs out of the chlorine water, headed down to the locker room where views of scattered duffle bags and thrown towels left on the benches were in large population. I lightly kicked around, heading down to my designated locker as the chatters of swim filled my ears. A good percentage of my teammates found themselves hopping over bags to rush to the shower — wanting to be the first ones in, and the first to have the good taste of hot water.

I, on the other hand, hate using the showers at school partially due to the fact that the girls on the team tend to overuse their privilege in Victoria's Secret perfume and coconut shampoo.

God, I hate the smell of coconut shampoo.

My hands fidget with the lock on my locker, the soft click announces my ability to access. I take the towel I hanged on the hook, and decide on using it to dry my damp jet-black hair. As my two hands were occupied with drying, I bent over slightly as I allow myself access to the most dire need in the back.

Footsteps appears, and in walks Jaycee Dean, one of the sophomore swimmers that manage to make it to the varsity team by the end of freshman year. "Hey Jaycee," I greet, my eyes training over to the girl as she removes her grey swim cap from her head, a slight indention on her forehead.

"Hey, Francena," she replies with the same enthusiasm — which was the most we could provided after coach made us swim 200m four times. She unlocks her locker, swaying her dark chestnut locks over her shoulders, as she drag out a bottle of shampoo and conditioner.

"Not again," I joke, as she sets the two bottles on the bench. Her eyes follow to where my gaze held, before letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah, I know," she rolls her eyes playfully, "but you know how it is, Julian always take all the hot water at home and leaves me with the shivering winter. Not to mention, he takes so long, I basically grow two years older every time I wait."

"Well, you look good for a thirty-four year old," I joke, eyeing her up and down. Jaycee was built lean, and bare fat cling to her body. She owned tone thighs, and slight curves. She is a very pretty sophomore, probably enough to grab attentions of upperclassmen.

However, from bonding with the girl a little over a year, I kinda felt a sisterly protection over her. Not allowing an upperclassman to take swing and leave. Especially the seniors nowadays.

"You know, you should make him do the waiting this time. I mean, you're fast — you could easily take the shower first."

I would," Jaycee sighs, throwing a light blue towel over her shoulders, droplets of chlorine waters fall on the fresh press, "but my brother drives me home almost every time so he call dibs and I can't do anything but comply."

"Well, that's not fair," I pull out my duffle bag, setting it down on the bench as I take out my dry clothes, switching. "Just because he's a soccer player doesn't mean he has more rights to hog the shower."

"Thank you!" Her hand flings out, pointing towards my direction as I seem to made her point, "that's what I've been saying! But his stubborn ass won't listen and keeps countering that since I'm a swimmer, I'm already 'clean' while he's drenched in sweat."

I rolled my eyes, believing that would be something Julian would say, "if you want, you can use my shower today. My family won't mind."

"Seriously?" Her brown eyes brighten up, and I chuckle. Jaycee looks as if she found her favourite candy at the convenience store and her parents finally allowed her to take it home. I nod, easing on a smile as I managed to switch from my one piece.

"Yeah. It's not like I'm bring home a complete stranger. You've met my dad and so–grandma before, an they seem to like you," I struggled with switching around from Japanese, as I was about to call my grandmother 'sobo' in front of her.

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