Bonus #4 | Dear, April 13th

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Written on and centred on April 13th.

"Happy Birthday, Graham!"

I tackled my best friend from behind, jumping onto his back as he reflexively wrapped his arms under my thighs. He laughs, despite carrying my weight, and he continues to go into his steps as if a 140 pound weight didn't just hop into his back.

"Thanks, Francena," he sobers. He turns around, making eye contact with Julian following a couple of steps behind him, "you jealous, Dean?"

From the course of Stanford's year, Graham and Julian had gotten closer. Because of Stanford's requirement of dorming the first year, Graham and Julian gotten each other as roommates. Despite their hostile beginning, they had finally begin to gotten used to each other.

They still can't find it in them say each others' first name.

"Not really," Julian shrugs, rolling back his shoulders, "I've already got the girl."

"Hey, Dean, you know what this reminds me of?" Graham returns back to facing the front. "When we were at the senior getaway and you got jealous because Francena got onto Gabe's back." Graham laughs, the memories flooding back into our minds. I couldn't help but let out a small smile, turning back around as I see my boyfriend unbothered.

"And you know what happened afterwards, Rivera?"

Graham halted in his destination. Shifting me comfortably up his back as I had slide down. He turns back to Julian, who holds up a cocky grin, "alright, look, I said I'm sorry but think of it! Had Tasha came back when you and Francena were dating, wouldn't you had taken her back either way? Wasn't it better than you gotten to break out of that toxic grasp before entering a relationship with my best friend?"

Julian stayed silent, his feet halting in steps as well. I think he was taking the words in; absorbing them.

"Go, Rivera, just go to your birthday party,"

"And I'm right!" He pumps his fist into the air for a split second before returning down the path. The familiar field coming into the light as the green grass burns into our visions, and the game lights shun bright.

In the middle of the field, the familiar faces of our friends begin to show. I spot Iris, with her curls, wrapped around her girlfriend who have since dyed her hair blonde. Tara, Nick, Colin and Isaac. Not to mention, a couple of Julian and Graham's soccer buddies in Stanford: Ethan and Knox.

"Happy Birthday!" I saw Tara screaming, running down the field as she closes in on her little brother. I quickly hopped off of Graham's back—just in time—for Tara to tackle her brother to the ground, hugging the hell out of him. "I miss you so goddamn much, I cannot believe you are almost finishing your first year—"

"Tara, breathe!"

"Fuck, sorry," Tara jumps to her feet, brushing off her skirt as if she hadn't tackled her brother to the ground. She holds out a hand for him, "I'm excited. I missed you."

Graham takes her hand silently, pulling himself to his feet before coming into a hug for his sister. "I miss you too, you arrogant bastard."

I shot Julian a look, who merely shrugs. I somehow took that words as an inside joke.

Tara pulled apart and punched Graham on the shoulder; "how's classes?"

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