Chapter 25

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" How severe is her condition?"

Siddharth asked weakly. He need to know everything about her even though he wouldn't be able to bear the bitter truth.

" As I said it depends on the bleeding. But you know she was actually lucky." Doctor said and three heads snapped towards him.

" What do you mean?" Siddharth asked with a glint of hope.

" You know when we first diagnosed her condition....that's probably more than a year back, we gave her a maximum of 6 months of time." He said sadly.

" Time for what?" Neha asked her voice cracking.

" That she had only 6 months left to live." Doctor said and Siddharth shut his eyes painfully clenching his jaw and fists.

He could not bear the thought that when she broke up with him at that time she had only 6 months time but she didn't show any sign of it and he thought she betrayed him. This pain with guilt and regret is becoming unbearable for him.

Neha and Raj also were shocked to know that she had very less time and how she never showed any sadness or pain knowing that she would die in 6 months.

" But she is lucky you know, because she was still alright and nothing had happened to her. The medication and her will power to live had worked and she could live a little longer." Doctor said to him.

Three of them smiled a little at what doctor said.

" So she will be okay now?" Siddharth asked hopefully.

" We can't say that because the swelling may occur at anytime and we should be happy that it's taking long time in her case." Doctor said and Siddharth face fell.

" What do you mean?" Raj asked and doctor sighed sadly.

" The medication and treatment is just helping her to control the swelling, pain, headaches and weakness. They will not help her to cure the illness permanently. " Doctor paused and continued to say seeing their crest fallen faces.

" Along with the treatment she had to take extra care not to do anything that causes headaches, cold, fever, dizziness and weakness. So I strictly prohibited her not to take any cold beverages, icecreams, cold drinks, alcohol..... etc. Even drenching in rain or cold water is also danger for her as it results in cold, headache and fever. She is claustrophobic and so need to take extra care of her health as any stress or pain is not good for her health."

Neha and Raj knows about all this as Anu told them that she is sick and they both took care that she wouldn't do any of the above things. They both looked at Siddharth who sat there clenching his fists tightly to control his pain.

Siddharth on the other side is in whole lot of emotional turmoil. He was shocked to hear all this and instantly guilt consumed him thinking how he made her to run up and down the stairs for many times that day and how she fainted in the store room due to phobia. He internally cursed himself for doing that to her.

" Doctor, Is there any chance to save her?" Neha asked him scared.

" The only chance to save her is to control internal bleeding in her brain when the blood vessels ruptures. Normally, we can control it but in her case it is severe. The rupture should have happened 6 months back itself but it didn't and so her case is not normal. Anything can happen anytime as it was already delayed." Doctor said sadly looking down.

A tear rolled down from Siddharth's eye and he bit his lip to stop himself from breaking down in front of them.

" How much c.chance is there for her..... s.survival? " Siddharth stuttered.

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