Chapter 51

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She had tears in her eyes hearing those words which she yearned to hear from him from long back.

She sat stunned looking at him who frowned at her.

"Anu what happened?" He asked concerned.

" What did you say?" She asked him smiling with tears.

He understood what she was feeling as the feeling was mutual.

" I said I Love you." He said smiling cupping her cheeks.

She leaned into his hand and sobbed hardly.

" I Love you too Siddu.....I Love you so much." She said crying.

He also cried along with her. He so badly wanted to hear those words from her.

" I Love you....I Love you....I Love you....I Love you....I Love you........." She was chanting those words in between her sobs.

He hugged her tightly rubbing her back.

"'s okay Anu." He said.

" No! You don't know what those words mean to me. I have died that day only when I told you that I don't love you. That hurt look on your face has killed me has ripped me apart." She sobbed.

Tears flowed from his eyes too.

" What I did to you has haunted me every night whenever I close my eyes. The pain I gave to you was more painful than any death Siddu. I am so sorry for breaking your heart that day so cruelly but I didn't had any choice as I don't want you to ruin your life by being with me." She said looking at him with red teary eyes and face.

His heart ached looking at her in such state and wiped her face with his hands.

" I have always loved you Siddu, I never stopped loving you and I never will stop loving you." She said smiling slightly.

He smiled with tears and kissed her forehead.

" You don't need to be sorry for that Anu. I understand what ever you did was for me but let me make you one thing clear and that is, my happiness lies within you. My life, my happiness, my well being, my everything is you.....only you. So please stop blaming yourself. I love you more than anything in this world and I will be happy only if you are happy." He said the whole thing looking straight into her eyes.

" I don't know what good I must have done to have you in my life." She whispered looking at him.

He just smiled at her.

" I want to say one more thing. After what happened that day, I changed myself totally but the love for you has never changed. Though I thought I am hating you but deep down I know that I can never hate you and I too never stopped loving you." He said looking at her intently and she just could stare at him.

They hugged tightly for sometime.

" We should go now." Anu said looking at the time.

They both went downstairs to bid byes to Siddharth's parents. His mom hugged Anu tightly and said to take care of herself while his dad gave his blessings to her. Siddharth also hugged his parents and took Anu to her house.


Next day morning, everyone got ready to go the hospital. Her parents were tensed while Siddharth didn't show what he felt and as for Anu she was smiling all the time.

They packed all the necessary things and they were ready to go.

" Someone has come to meet you." Siddharth said coming into her room.

WHEN THEY MET.....AGAIN ❤️Where stories live. Discover now