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Previously on Hell's WAGs;

"Maria needs to learn
how to joke around,
Federico won't last
long with her if she
doesn't know how to
have a good laugh."Mattia

"Ready? She was just with
Rugani last week."Jess

"I don't know how
Mattia lives with herself.
How is she okay with
the fact that she cheated
on someone that loved her?
For someone she's barely

"Yeah, if he even wants to
propose to you." Maria

"Paulo? Where the
fuck is Mariana?!"

"Paulo? Where the fuck is Mariana?!" — Nina

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IT TURNED OUT MARIANA DYBALA AGÜERO was safely at Paulo's house– with his new girlfriend Oriana Sabatini. But that didn't exactly help with Nina's anger. Better said, she was even more furious than before. She had pulled her ex into the kitchen, which was kind of pointless, since the others could still hear her shout at him.

Nina has her eyes closed and tries to calm her breathing. "He- he is a freaking dumbass. He promised to look after her himself and then he leaves her with that... that sloth!"

"I seriously can't believe you! You know I dislike her. Who do you think you are to leave my daughter with her?!" the Argentine slammed her hand on the marble counter, but regretted it instantly; good Italian marble was very solid.

Paulo rolled his eyes. "She is my daughter too. Do I get upset with you when you leave her with Neymar? Or better: His nanny? While you go out and do god knows what!"

"Don't you dare, calling me a bad mother." Nina growled. "Everything I do is for her."

Her opponent sighed. "That right here is exactly why we broke off. You never listen to what I say."

Deep down she knew he was kind of right– she was a very impulsive person and did things out of anger, but still; it wouldn't get him out of this situation. "I'm picking her up tonight. And I swear Pabl— Paulo, if you want your daughter to visit you again, you don't leave her with that woman." Nina snapped at him and went out of the room, back to the others. "Federico! I haven't seen you in ages!" She fake-smiled and greeted her friend's fiance.

"It is truly impressive, how she switches from a furious bitch to, well, a nice bitch," Jessica chuckles and shifts in her seat. "I learn a lot from her."

Mattia was sipping her tea and enjoyed that she wasn't in the middle of the drama for once. Even though the girls had been in various awkward and dramatic situations together, this one was truly uncomfortable, since you could literally feel the tension between Nina and Paulo. Even the camera team was unsure if they should continue filming or not. Since most of the footballers had set up a contract, that private conversations (and they could decide which was private to them) wouldn't be filmed.

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