Third time we, laughed

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It was free period, of our 5th year at Hogwarts. Since what occurred weeks ago, y/n kept visiting her beloved friend in hopes of her waking up. One wonderous free period time, Walaburga(Black) and Fleamont (Potter), we're heading to see their Muggleborn friend.

"So the scene you pulled on Riddle weeks ago was something!" Wala Spoke in a awkward cheerful voice. Fleamont nudged her awkwardly and in a sort of defensive way.

"Huh? Uh yea,," y/n chuckled looking at the two "Monty? Is there something wrong with Wala asking about it?"

"Well Y/N/N (nickname),, uh you see, Wala forgot to mention the look of Riddle's face afterwards. It seemed shocked and regretful. Something that no ones ever seen. Since he's a Narcissistic evil git." Fleamont said, his voice becoming deeper mentioning of Tom. Fleamont quickly became his normal self; awkward, lengthy (height), and awkwardly tall like a pool noodle, fumbling to fix his glasses.

"Monty, Wala, I'm well aware of T-Riddle's natural self. Some people can change cant they? That what happened to Wala and I-" though before Y/N could speak anymore they were at their destination: The infirmary.

"Oh hi madame! We're here to see Copper, Laney Cooper." The trio spoke at once smiling dorkily at their unplanned in sync coincidence.

"Awh! Right this way! Ms.Cooper woke up, I'll have you know that! She might be a smidge confused talking about how she has to find her true love uh- Prink? She said?"

Prink: Y/n's other nickname aside from Y/n/n due to her firey self and Hey  springy like self, along with the fact she constantly wrote so- Ink + pre-fire..

"Uh- I'm Prink- well uh Y/n but I go by Prink too-" anxiety filled Y/n's body. Tom was right about one thing: Laney was in love with her.

"Oh right uhm, right this way-"

The sliver trio were being escorted to the area/room Laney was being held in.

"Prink! My sweetheart my darling-! Give me a kiss!" Laney shouted once she looked at y/n

"Laney as much as I'd love to uh- no not really- I'm glad you're awake- you do know I don't like you like that-" y/n started

"Please,, you're the only one who will ever give me a chance-"

"Laney I'm sorry I can't. Can we stay as friends? All of us- well maybe not Wala- she doesn't really-"

"I don't really like you Laney" Wala cut y/n off.

"Right... yes sorry. I'm- gosh that's embarrassing..". Laney admitted sheepishly.

We spent a full twenty minutes talking, before I realize I had to find Tom, for all I know he could be hurting other Muggle borns. He talked so angrily about them, but it had to be something to do with his father, as he had a burning hatred being called Tom since he said

"My fathers is name Tom, please never call me other than Riddle. This stupid mudblood name that my mother gave me was absolutely horrible."

"Uh hey guys sorry to cut this short but I have to go find someone! I'll see you all later!" Then goes dashing off Y/n.

It took her awhile to find Tom but there he was: sitting on the lonely tree whilst others were in their free period enjoying themselves, he however was writing.
How odd..

"Hey tommy!" Y/n beamed, sitting by him.
Tom sighed.

"Hello to you too, Lovegood." Tom moved over for Y/n to sit next to him by the tree in a more comforting way, though it left them sitting oddly close, so he snapped his book shut.

"Jesus Tom." Y/n muttered. "I wanted to let you know Laney is alive and awake."

"Oh for Merlin's bread. I wished she off-Ed herself.." Tom muttered. "is that all Lovegood?"

"No, I wanted to ask if you wanting to share some stories of anything exciting in our lives. To know each other..?" Y/n spoke with hope, lacing no, engulfing her words.

Tom looked into her bright e/c eye, her small framed face, a gentle colour of s/t, her adorable smile that always laced her lips. An odd sensation was filling its way toward his stomach as it fluttered, his heart pounded, his pale cheeks turned a shy red. He knew he was more than just intrigued with her. He fancied her, he was Fond of her. She was, his enchanting fragment.

"Yes, sure I guess we could, how about embarrassing ones?" Tom asked a small smile placed on his lips.

"Yes! I'll go first!" Y/n giggled, which sent shivers down Tom's spine. "Once in second year; I was drawing someone odd but very intriguing to me, and I thought they were the cutest thing. So me being quite ok in my artistic abilities drew them, and Walaburga came up behind me and said 'Is that- Do you have a crush on him!!!' And she shouted during the feast and all eyes were on me." Y/n blushed lightly.

Tom laughed, a Genuine happy laugh. "Who'd you draw?" Tom asked skeptically, though remember second year when Black yelled that which caused everything and everyone to stop and look at her.

"I was Uh" y/n choked/cleared her throat before blushing whilst saying "I was drawing you, Tom."

Tom blinked and smiled "Well thank you I am quite the character." He chuckled. "Uhm my most embarrassing moment had to be In third year were I accidentally walked into the girls refreshing area- the bathing room- the bathroom/Loo. And well I was going to use the bathroom when I realize, One, there are no urinals, and two, a group of females touching each other's breasts and filling them with paper-" Tom smiled sheepishly, which caused the ravenclaw girl sitting next to him laugh. Which caused them both to begin into a fit of laughter.

"Oh Tom! that's- oh Tom- was it Wala and her old group of friends-" y/n asked knowing this story sounded familiar

"Well come to think of it- I'm sure it was her old group-" Tom chuckled, calming down from the fit of laughter. A brighter smile placing his lips.

The two continued to laugh, until the bell rang hinting that it's another class to go to.

"Thank you Y/n /Tom for this-" they said in sync and smiled.

"Thank you Tom, it was lovely speaking with you." Y/n giggled and kissed Tom's cheek once, before shutting off to get to her next class.

"You too, Lovegood. You too.." Tom whispered, a hand grazing over where y/n kissed his cheek.

What an eventful afternoon that only just began the heart throbbing feeling he felt around her.

Made: December 14th 2018

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