Part 14: Follow

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Screw him! What did Andrew know? And what did he know about me?

I picked up the first trail I came across, a deer trail that ran along a feeding run but it wasn't all that great. It was probably a few days old at this point. But it was something to follow. Something to lead me away from home.

Sticks crunched and broke under my foot as I went. The path twisted and turned through the forest for what felt like kilometers. Grass grew tall in some places, nearly up to my waist, and tree branches broke as I shoved past them. A small trickle of a stream picked up beside the path and turned the hard pack dirt into softer mud.

The trickle turned into a brook and then the brook turned into a full blown creek. The feeding run disappeared. Dirt gave way to loose stones and deep mud. The deer tracks were pressed deeper into the mud at the banks of the creeks. I could see the tracks continuing on, back up the slight hill on the other side of the bank and up into the trees. The path also widened and opened up into a creek bed. Water rushed and drowned out the sound of the birds that had been singing in the trees over my head. The trees also had opened up and the canopy had allowed the sun to pour down on to the creek. That's when I realized just how long I'd been gone for. The sun hung in the center of the sky.


If Andrew hadn't already realized that I'd lied and skipped out on work, then he was about to. Father was going to be livid. My stomach clenched viciously.

All the anger and energy that had pressed me forward dissipated. I was so tired. Just tired. I dropped down and sat on a rock at the edge of the creek bank. It felt like I was coming apart at the middle so I wrapped my arms around my waist.

Learn to accept your place.

Andrew's words stung at the forefront of my mind. Those ones more than anything else he'd said. I couldn't have cared less about the undercutting comment about Father's success being the main driving force behind his desire to pursue me. I couldn't have cared less about what any reason another person would have to pursue me. "Accepting my place" though... Father always said that.

Which meant that the two of them had been speaking about me behind my back.

That was what cut the deepest.

I reached down, grabbed a stone, and threw it as hard as I could at the creek. It bounced off a glassy, still part of the water's surface and landed with a satisfying splash. So I reached down and grabbed another one. This time I aimed for the opposite bank. It missed spectacularly and smacked against a larger rock with a clunk that echoed across the empty air. It was more satisfying than the splash so that's where I aimed the third rock. And then the fourth. And fifth. And sixth. Until I lost count of how many stones I actually managed to throw across the creek.

"Do you have any idea how loud you're being?"

I jumped at the voice behind me, nearly slipping off my rock.

Aust stood behind me, lips pressed into a thin line, and eyes trained on me sharply. In that moment, he reminded me of Father. I twisted around and picked up another rock. "Didn't realize that you were close," I mumbled under my breath, throwing the rock across the way.

It missed it's mark and hit the water with a deep 'thwunk.' The water rippled around it as it sank to the bottom of the creek bed.

"What's wrong little one?" Aust asked. He came around to stand beside me, head tilted to the side and frowning.

"Don't see how it's any of your business," I said as I searched the ground for my next rock.

Aust held one up in my line of sight. "Maybe it isn't but..." he paused. "You seem upset."

I didn't say anything. However, I did take the stone out of his hand and run it through my fingers. There was a splash as Aust sent one a rock of his own into the water. "I thought that made too much noise," I said before throwing my rock.

"At this point I've given up any hope of finding a sign of the beast today. Might as well join you in this."

I turned to look at him, eyebrow raised. There was a small but genuine smile on his face. He scooped up a handful of rocks and held them between us. "Something happened at home didn't it?"

My hands flinched over the rocks. I thought about Father's 'surprise' and Andrew's comments. Aust's words put it lightly. "I don't want to talk about it."

That was a lie. I wanted to talk about it. Problem was that I didn't have anyone to talk to. Aust barely knew me. Hells! He practically shepherded me straight home when ever he came across me in the forest. Yeah, Aust answered my questions but he really only did it to appease me as I followed him back home to get my traditional scolding and speech of disappointment. Speaking of which...

I was in so much trouble when I got home! Father would probably lock in me in my room. And I'd never escape from Andrew again! He'd be stuck to me from now on. I groaned and hurried my head in my hands. Everything was just going to be so much worse!

"Follow me," Aust told me quietly.

I shook my head. "No offense but I really don't want to go home right now."

"For some reason that doesn't surprise me."

"And I definitely don't feel like being tricked into going home today, but thanks."

"Believe me, I wouldn't even think of it Lena." Aust stood up. The rocks he'd been holding fell back to the ground with a clatter before he held his hand out to me. "Come and I'll show you something."

For a moment, I sat there staring at his hand. The look on his face was neutral.

I let him help me up. "Alright, I'll follow."

He hadn't lied to me yet. And I highly doubted whatever surprise Aust had for me, it wouldn't be anything like what Father's so called surprise.

Aust gave a nod, tugged my hand before dropping it, and crossed over the creek bed. I hopped over the rocks to follow him.

Happy first update of the new year guys!  Again, not exactly where I wanted to leave this chapter off but I'd rather post this part (that feels like a completed chapter) then not post at all

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Happy first update of the new year guys!  Again, not exactly where I wanted to leave this chapter off but I'd rather post this part (that feels like a completed chapter) then not post at all.  As always, I appreciate all feedback!

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