Part 20.3: A Victory

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I lost track of time. The sun dipped lower and lower beyond the western horizon until the lavender twilight became the deep violets and blues until finally, they darkened into the black skies of full night. It was clear so the stars were easily seen. Dílis had returned to grazing at some point and I, without much else to do, lay on my back trying to find familiar constellations in the sky. Though it was late and I knew that it was past the time I usually went to bed in the evening, there was no thought of sleep in my mind. Anxiety had built up in me. Restless energy chased away drowsiness.

The door creaked open behind me and I bolted upright. Heart pounding in my chest.

"My apologies Lena. I didn't mean to frighten you," Aust told me quietly as he joined me on the porch. Dílis bleated a greeting and returned to Aust's side.

"No, it's fine. You startled me is all..." My voice trailed off as I looked up at him.

He lingered next to the post nearest me, hand reaching out to scratch Dílis between the antlers.

"So... how did your conversation with Father go?" I asked. There was a hard lump in my throat.

A quiet, thoughtful look passed over Aust's eyes. "Better than I anticipated," he told me. "May I sit next to you?"

I moved to the side to make room for him. Aust took a place beside me, pulling one leg up on to the porch. Somehow his quiet and reserved demeanor did nothing to alleviate the tightly wound ball of nerves that clung to me. If anything, it only made it worse.

"Am I allowed to ask about what you two talked about?" I hated the hesitation in my voice. How it made me sound like a scared, young child. I supposed that's what happens though when you're waiting on bad news. For the other boot to drop, so to speak.

Aust shifted beside me but didn't answer right away.

"I know it had something to do with me," I whispered.

"Yes, I came to talk to your father about you. About your frequent escapades into the forest. How the idea of grave danger doesn't seem to phase you in the least when it comes to the determination you have in your pursuits."

"So I guess you're here to tell me to stop too. That I'm a farmer's daughter and I should just get used to the idea of being a farmer as well. Settle down, get married, and have babies. Everything that being a farmer and the wife of one entails.

My voice was so soft that the slightest breeze seemed to carry it away. I pulled my knees up to my chest, bracing for Aust's answer.

"I'm here..." he started, choosing his next words carefully, "to tell you that if you're going to follow me into the woods then you might as well learn to do it without alerting every living creature within a league's distance of your presence."

My head snapped up. "Wait! What?" I stammered as I looked at him with wide eyes and mouth agape.

Aust laughed a little.

"You... you're going to teach me how to be a ranger?"

"Since you're so interested in exploring it as an option, then yes. I'm inclined to teach you a few things."

"I am more than interested in being a ranger. I don't... I don't think I've wanted anything more in my life!" Tears started to sting at the corners of my eyes. This was actually happening.

"Now, keep in mind that I can't teach you everything. I'm not going to be here anywhere near the time it would need to do that. It takes years to learn all the necessary skills and even more time to practice them before they become second nature. But, I can give you a few of the basic skills."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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