Chapter 18

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the following months were spent meeting with a builder and everyone designing their dream homes, jeff and gemma also building their dream home as she had moved to manchester and got a job at the hospital, the family dinner was a complete success and the winners were flew from all over the world and spent the weekend with the whole family and they all promised to it every year, ed was back home as his tour had ended 2 weeks before and Dianas Hope had their charity auction and luke and his friends all came thru raising a lot of money for dianas hope, and Dianas hope is busier and helping as many women as they can,  niall and hailee started to plan their dream wedding but put on hold they  have decided that they want something small and simple and they decided that when the house were done they would get married on the property, diana and ed have decided that they want the same thing and now they are all marks house getting ready for louis baby shower who was now 7 months pregnant

"mom" harry says

"what is it" anne says

"louis is having a melt down because his pants don't fit" harry says

"jay" anne says

"on my way" jay says as she goes into harry and louis room

"we have to get going" harry says" everyone is meeting at marks house"

"well if louis isn't coming out then we can't leave" anne says as she sees louis and jay walk out of the room

"baby are you ok" harry says

"yeah, didnt realize i was putting your pants on" louis says

"but how, didn't you see they weren't maternity pants" harry says

"no" louis says" but i swear styles we are not having anymore kids" louis says" these twins i swear have me so hormonal"

"just 2 more" harry says

"seriously" louis says" no, no more, NO MORE"

"ok fine, but i know how to change your mind" harry says

"stop or you will never touch me again" louis says

"fine, baby" harry says as he gives louis a hug" come on we have to get going the family will wondering where we are at"

"alright lets go, wheres munchkin" louis asks

"zayn took her" harry says

"i swear its like she doesn't even live here anymore" louis says as he starts to cry again

"mom can you or jay drive" harry says as they walk out the door and louis and harry sit in the back seat as harry just hugs louis tight " whats wrong"

"i don't know" louis says crying

"i swear louis you weren't this bad when you were pregnant with olivia" jay says

"i know" louis says " i swear styles if  at least one of the babies doesn't look like me, you will never touch me again"

"deal" harry says as he kisses louis

"shut up" louis says

"man these mood swings are brutal" harry says

"yeah imagine how i feel" louis says

"baby, i love you so much and i am happy you are having my babies, but after the twins are born we are never having sex again" harry says

"ok deal" louis says as jay and anne start to laugh" don't laugh its not funny"

"yes it is" jay says " and in a year 2 years tops we will be having this same conversation"

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