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2 months later and everyone is back in manchester for what everyone says is the wedding of the century

"mom, i cant find the girls head crowns" louis yells out

"they have them one" anne says

"geez, i am a hot mess" louis says

"louis, breath please son" jay says

"mom, i swear i am so nervous" louis says

"but why you know harry is going to be there" jay says

"i know but we have been waiting for this day since we got engaged 3 years ago" louis says

"boobear, go get dressed we need to go" jay says as louis finishes getting ready and soon he walks out of his room "son you looke gorgeous, i am so happy right now" jay says as she starts to cry

"mom please dont cry" louis says as he hugs jay

"louis you look gorgeous" anne says as she start to cry" you are going to cry when you see harry, he is so nervous"

"well son lets go and get you married" jay says as they all take a deep breath and walk out of the house and head to where the wedding was going to take place as they get closer dan and jay walk louis down the aisle as harry and louis lock eyes and both start to cry realizing that this is the day they have been waiting for since they knew they figured out they were in love

"who gives this man" the priest says

"our family does" dan says as dan and jay kiss louis cheek as jay places louis hand on harrys

"dearly beloved we are here today to witness the marriage of HARRY EDWARD STYLES and LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON" the priest says as he continues to talk about what marriage is and how you need more than love to make a marriage work" harry and louis have decided to write their own vows, harry you may begin"

"louis, we have been thru so much in the last 12 years, we were friends first and at 16 i knew that i liked you as more than a friend and at 18 i fell in love with my best friend but you were to stubborn to realize it, and we have had the hardest journey to get here, we have met the most amazing people that are now our family, there were times where i felt lost but i know that as long as i have you by myside i can conquer anything ,i want to tell you no matter where we are in this crazy place we call life i will always come home to you and our kids, i love you, i know we have tested our love many times but no matter what has happened we always come back together, louis today i pledge to you my love, my life and my fidelity" harry says as he places the ring on louis finger

"well thank you harry, louis"

"harry, you are right we fell in love at 18 but it took us what seems forever to get to where we are today, i always knew that you were the only one for me and time and time again you have showed me that no matter what you will always protect me and our kids, i know we have put our friends and family thru alot and i remember when we were about to elope and we were standing in front of the courthouse but we decided that we could not do that to our friends and family, this wedding is not only for us but also for them, and i am so happy we didn't get married that day, and then you told our moms that we were about to elope and we realized that we made at least one good decision on our own, to say our road to get here was easy would be a lie but we have fought for each other and against each other but we are here and i am so happy you always came back to me, i would be so lost with out you but i had olivia and she was what kept me going thru the dark days, but the day i really fell in love with you was when you came back and met olivia for the first time that day you fell in love with her and i kept falling madly in love with you just the way you wanted to protect her and always be with her, and then we had aria and darcy and then HJ and everytime i see you with them i swear i fall more in love with you, for being with you and the kids is also my favorite part of the day" louis says as he takes a deep breath" harry, today and always i pledge to you my love my life and my fidelity" louis says as he places the ring on harrys finger

Secrets The Heart Holds - LARRY STYLINSON   MPREGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora