Sarah is back :(

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Sam pov 

So for some reason Seven and Eight want me to be their chaperone for their date. I have a very bad feeling about this... I know something bad is going to happen...   "Sooo where do you guys want to go for your date?" 

"Over there" Seven points to an old tall building at the other side of the road. It was obvious it hasn't been used for years. 

"Are you sure Seven? Why there?" 

Seven chuckles "Don't worry come on, it's going to be fun" and then she wicks at me. 

We walk up to the porch of the house. "You guys wait here, I have to do something first," Said Seven. When she left it was just me and Eight. I don't know if it was just me but something about Seven isn't adding up, she's acting a little different. 


"Yeah, Eight ?" 

"Is it me? Or is Seven acting a little bit strange?"

So it wasn't just me. Something is 100% wrong with Seven. "Yeah, I noticed too". 

Eight nods his head and then looks into the distances. "Hey! Isn't that Nine walking down the streets?". I look where Eight was looking. "Yeah, I think that's Nine." Beside Nine was Four and Behind them were Six and Ella. "Look there's Four and Six with Ella too!". 

Eight started to wave at them "FOUR! NINE! SIX! ELLA!" and then I joined him. Together we were screaming their names. Finally, they noticed us and walked toward us. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Ella asked. 

"Oh, Seven asked us to wait here". I said back. 

Six raises her eyebrows "Why?". 

Eight and I looked at each other. "We don't know"

Just then, The door slams open. 

"What was that?" Four asked nervously. 

Nine shakes his head "Probably nothing" 

Seven yells from in the house"Come in everyone!" 

All 6 of us went in together. Inside the house was pitched black. We couldn't see anything. 

"Seven? Where are you?" Six yelled. 

"Oh, all of you are here, Perfect." For some reason, Seven sounded like Sarah... 

"Was that Sarah?" Asked Four. 

Then, the door shuts behind us and the lights turn on. In front of us was Seven. Eight steps forward a little "Seven, What's going on?". Seven smiles. "I'm not Seven"


Lorien Legacies- Lightning Laughing (Book One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora