➸ heartbreak

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heartbreak is not crying
because someone left.

heartbreak is crying
because they left and they
had your entire heart.

it's hurting every time
you hear 'I love you'
because they were the
one person you loved.

it's having trust issues
because they promised
they would never leave
you but they did.

heartbreak is pushing
people who love you
away because life
feels fake now.

it's crying in the shower
with water pouring
over your crippled body
wishing that the pain
would wash away.

it's all the thoughts
wondering if you will
ever be able to love again.

it's wondering if anyone
will ever love you.
it's them leaving but it's
not just as simple as crying.

it hurts because when
they left they took away
the best parts of you.

because that's what happened.
they brought out the best
of you and took it with them
leaving you with no love,

not even for yourself

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