Chapter 1: Candy Land {Town Name}

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    It was a fine morning in Candy Land. The sun shined, the birds sang, and the candy roses blossomed. It was a morning that would only exist in books, yet it still brought quite a dilemma to the citizens of Candy Land. One of them was a petite and short-haired girl called Cupcake.

    "Wake up!" Cupcake yelled at her sister's door, but she received no response.

    "Wake up, sleepyhead! We need to open the bakery, god dammit!" she kicked open the door to see her lovely, lovely sister, sleeping.

     "Sis, wake up!" she yelled. Finally, her sister's eyes opened. She looked like a zombie with her messy hair and untidy clothes. Her eyes were dead and droopy, you could barely count her as awake. Even standing properly was a struggle. She must have been binge watching Series of Berry Pie last night.

      "Look at you! If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed you were drunk!" She scolded. Her eyes were staring at her in disbelief. "Go take a shower and fix your hair."

       Cake partly nodded as she stumbled her way to the bathroom.

        Cupcake unwillingly prepared their breakfast. Her mind was going around circles due to the number of scheduled appointments they had. Her sister isn't helping their situation what so ever.

        "What did you cook Cup?" Cake asked her sister as she went down the stairs with her towel wrapped around her hair. She sat across her sister as she eyed the delicacies.

         "Omelette rice, it's the only thing I can cook with the ingredients that we have. We should really    soon." Cupcake answered. She could've sworn she remembered having cereal and milk at one of their drawers.

             "Yeah. Oh, later at 3 pm I'm going to run errands with Candy, so I'm leaving the shop to your hands okay sis?" Cake said as she patted her little sisters head.

               Cupcake could only nod as a response.

               The next one was in a lab. It seemed that the neighborhood scientist, Brownie, was having trouble perfecting the new formula she came up with.

              "Experiment failed." She spoke as she put down two bottles of chemicals. "Who made this recipe?" she grumbled as she scanned through a piece of paper she picked up from a pile of papers. She was unsure how she got this piece of paper, but she was sure she was not the one that made it. Everything from the handwriting to the symbols on the paper was foreign to her. Some of the symbols were familiar, but everything else was written in some type of code.

              As she was going over the piece of paper in her hand, a gust of wind spilled the contents of her chemical bottles which resulted in an explosion.

             "Gah! What the heck happened?!" Brownie took off her goggles after the dark fog from the outburst disabled her vision. Brownie covered her nose due to the thick haze surrounding her. She hurriedly checked her pieces of equipment for any sort of damage before breathing a sigh of relief. Thankfully, nothing was harmed.

               She quickly placed back all the chemical bottles before proceeding to take a warm shower. She was about to get dressed when her phone rang.

               "Brownie, do you mind coming over later? I was thinking about having the crew all together." she heard Cupcake say through the phone.

               "I will don't worry," she answered.

               "Oh, and clean up your lab. You don't want another incident happening or else Candy will have your head." Brownie cracked a smile as she glanced at her lab that's still covered in black dust.

              "Yeah, yeah, I'll write that down in my reminders. Well, I'll see you later, bye!" she placed the phone back on the counter and dragged her self to the mirror.

              'I should keep my hair down', she thought to herself as she combed her hair.

              And the last but not the least, the town's businesswoman Candy was going through her secretaries daily reports.

            "Miss Candy, the number of consumers have expanded in just a week. There are even higher demands for our products. It would be wise to higher the prices by 10 percent according to the board of directors. Would you like to hold a press conference this evening so you can settle everything in one go?" Her secretary announced.

              She heaved a loud sigh as she placed the pile of demand papers on her desk. She checked her scheduled if she still had time for any of this. Her head was cracking with the amount o work she had for the day, but with her appointment with Cake on the Line she had no choice, but to suffer twice as much tomorrow.

           "That would take forever. Move all of my appointments and stack them all up tomorrow. I will hold the conference at 5 pm sharp. Prevent any late attendees from entering the business hall, understand?" her secretary nodded in response before walking out of her office.

            Her eyes roamed around her office before landing on the wall clock. It was almost time for her appointment with Cake. She smiled at the thought of spending time with her friends. If it wasn't for her busy schedule she would surely be with them more. Don't be confused. It's not like she hates her job. In fact, she adores it. She loves donating to animal shelters and orphanages who need financial support. She loves helping her friends with their own businesses. It's just sometimes she wishes she could just relax.

        She walked into her dressing room and swapped her red vest for a white one. She skillfully tied her hair up into three messy buns.

        Once she was out she felt the cold breeze brush her face. She smiled as she walked on the quiet streets of Candy Land. The only thing she could hear was the noises her heels made as she walked. While she was passing by a dark alley, she heard a cry for help. Her eyes widened at the sight of a boy crying as he was getting bullied by a group of boys. Her faced darkened as she continued to watch the group of boys having fun watching the other boy suffer.


Ohhh! Who dis guy!

Lol! I finished the first chapter! Guys, this book will only have a maximum of 1200 words per chapter, for this story will have a long list of chapters and I'm trying to follow through the main storyline on the book. So I will apologize to you now and I hope you still liked it.

~Plebby nation (Your empress, NNC)

                                                                     EDITED BY Mochi Dochi

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