Rome Has Fallen

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It was such a dreadfully quiet today. The streets were almost completely empty, which is unusual considering that they are usually cluttered with people maneuvering around, exploring the market for food, or exquisite clothing. This city almost resembled a ghost town, not to mention the blazing heat that's been continuously beaming down on my head. Maybe the citizens couldn't handle it since it does feel like some sort of heat wave has been bestowed upon us. Perhaps it was punishment from the sun god, Sol. It wouldn't be surprising, the current emperors buffoonery is enough to anger anybody, I thought while rolling my eyes.

Glancing down, I inspected my (f/c) dress that clung to my sweat drenched body. It was an old dress and it was beginning to fade of it's colour but I loved it so much. The dress held so many joyous memories since it was the first gift from my husband. My husband was one of Rome's best senators so he tend to lavish me in expensive things but I prefer small, inexpensive things, such as a simple dress or a sword for my extravagant collection. Although, I'm always amused by the look of confusion that grazes his handsome features just from my subtle reactions to his extravagant gifts but my overly joyed ones for a simple flower from a garden. It's the little things that matter really. I find myself telling him constantly, 'It's the simple things in life that we should cherish, for money can't buy love or a family,' Lost in thought, I found myself walking aimlessly like a smiling fool, gaining a few stares in my direction. I quickly rushed out of the area before I could attract anymore attention by the few locals present on this hot day.

Taking in my new surroundings, the sound of screams calling bloody murder and cheering echoed through my ears. I released a slight sigh upon noticing that I was near the Colosseum. Blood stains and human skulls cluttered around it like some type of sick decoration,this was once a place of excitement and fun, but now it's just a source for Emperor Caligula's ridiculous and dangerous entertainment. I hate that my dear husband Helios has to even serve under his sick, unethical ruling. I know he also hates it too, but he knows speaking against the emperor is punishable by death. Just the mere thought of the emperor makes my skin crawl; the way he undresses me with his dark, mischief-filled eyes and casts me lustful smirks in front of my husband is just despicably sickening. Glancing up, I saw one of the Colosseum guards approaching me. I flashed him a slight smile while slightly brushing the sides of my dress down to ensure my daggers were still secluded. I couldn't trust too many people who worked for Emperor Caligula. Most of the men were corrupt but I knew a few who were kindhearted and resisted evil temptations, such as my husband.

"Hello there," the guard greeted me, "Whats a beautiful, young woman such as yourself doing around here alone?"

"Just passing through the market for some sweet bread," I reply. Getting a closer look at him, I can tell he is a rather young boy. He must be new since that would explain his informalities."Why are you patrolling by yourself young one?"

His cheeks flushed slightly before he replies, "The other city guards are going around searching for a thief so I was left alone."

Glancing behind the lonesome guard, I saw another one approaching at a fast pace. Judging by his attire, I notice he is a royal guard who delivers messages on the emperors orders. Pushing past the young guard, he stopped abruptly in front of me. How rude of him.

"Lady (Y/n)?"

"Yes, that is I."

"Emperor Caligula sent me to deliver this letter to you. He said it was an urgent matter and that you should read it immediately," He said while placing it into my hands.

My facial expression contorted into confusion as I asked, "Urgent? Why is it urgent?"

"I cannot answer that, for I am just the messenger. Now I must be on my way. Vale, iuvenis pulchritudo. (Goodbye, young beauty)," with those parting words he left as quickly as he came.

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