Part III:The New Emperor

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I've been chained and flogged for what felt like years in this dreadful, putrid chamber. But for the hours of torture that I've endured, I have yet to shed a single tear, which infuriates the "beloved" Emperor even more. At this point, I just stop caring about them; the bittersweet stinging sensation had actually become quite welcoming. However, my new attitude caused his sinister laughter to come to a halt when he noticed it. Raising my head just enough to look at him, I was greeted with a harsh slap across the face. I released a slight whimper as blood trickled down my now swollen cheek. Had he struck me with his hand? No it couldn't of been, it wouldn't of caused this type of laceration. Leaning to the side, I noticed that within his left hand was a small, slightly bloodied dagger. He wore a cocky smirk as panic began to set in. Has he finally lost all of his sense? It's bad enough that he's taken my original family away from me, but now he intends on taking me away from my new child. The very thought of it made tears flow from the brim of my eyes. I cannot allow that to happen, he will not win. His calloused, pale hand lifted up my chin and his cold, icy blue orbs bore into my (e/c) ones. The aura surrounding him radiated pure rage and fury but I did not care. My only concern is my child, I can care less about his pathetic feelings. Angrily, he bit his lip and released a wicked laugh. My brows furrowed in confusion

"I can do more than leave a small laceration~," he cooed with a crooked smile on his face.

The emperor withdrew his sword, pressing it against my bruised throat. Biting my lip nervously, I close my eyes and release a shaky breath. He wouldn't dare... would he? Looking down at my weak figure, he smiles and proceeds to lick my bloody cheek. His tongue laps in my blood, causing me to wince in pain at the rough and wet sensation.

"I can end your life right now," he whispers in my ear, licking my outer lobe, "Or... you can comply to my orders."

Furrowing my brows, I reply, "And what absurd orders do you have now?"

Lifting my chin up roughly, his cold, icy blue orbs bore into my (e/c) ones as he yells, "DON'T YOU DARE QUESTION ME, PEASANT! You will do as I say, unless you want your head cut off and displayed in my throne room. I say, having the head of Rome's divine beauty would be a nice decoration, wouldn't it?"

His terrifying tone sent a shiver down my spine. Damn you, Caligula. Damn you and your ancestors. He is nothing without that sword. All the pride is welled up in his head. He knows he is nothing without power, therefore, he craves more and executes it in a twisted, ungodly manner. Gods strike him down! Opening my eyes, I look up at the beast of the man. His eyes burns into mine, revealing anger and insatiable lust. Beads of sweat roll down his face as heavy breaths resound from his chapped lips that he bit angrily. If Hades himself was incarnate on Earth, this would be him: Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus, better known as The Emperor Caligula.

"What is your command, Emperor Caligula?" I ask, almost gagging on my words.

A vile smirk grazes his lips as he speaks, "I've long missed the sensation of your thighs clasped against my hips, as well as the embrace of your tight walls on my grand cock. Oh, how I want to hear your sweet, delicious moans beg for my every pound into your core."

I felt a sickness bubble into my stomach. I nearly wanted to vomit at what he had said. Is he serious? Am I nothing but a sex slave to him? I am the mother of his heir, I would have thought there would be some form of respect. Alas, he is the ruthless Emperor Caligula, so I do not expect much from him in regards to respecting others. Swiftly, Caligula undos the leather bindings from my wrists and ankles. My weak figure falls to the floor, causing me to groan in pain. Looking at my wrists and ankles, I saw they were bruised and blue due to the lack of circulation. My (e/c) orbs trail to the open door and a sense of hope awakens in me. I... I could escape through the door... but I'm far too weak. I struggle to stand up, falling onto the ground once again. Caligula's laugh echoes into my ears as I release a hopeless shy. All the hope within me is gone now. Am I really the helpless fly in the spider's web?

Rome Has Fallen (Caligula/Reader) [Oneshot Lemon]Where stories live. Discover now