Part II. The Resurrection of Rome

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My heart felt completely used, broken, and empty. The cold, gray stone beneath my body was unwelcoming. However, I have grown to welcome the coldness for it is the only thing that brings some form of comfort. All the light in my life was drained and stripped away. It all happened so fast... I could've saved my family... I could've done so much but my pride just got the best of me and it was my biggest mistake. These past few years have just been an endless struggle. It felt like it has been eons since I have been genuinely happy. The days have been so hard to handle. Caligula tries to make me smile but I haven't smiled since that devastating day. My beauty remained, but it held a grim tale that was far too long to tell. I also carried the burden of producing Caligula's heir, but it wasn't the child's fault. It would be absurd to blame the child for its father's foul ruling. At least it brought me some sort of joy to my dull, worthless life. It may not be my sweet Lily, but it is a child... my child. One thing's for sure; I won't let him corrupt this innocent being to his barbaric ways. Glancing at the child's sleeping form, a faint smile graced my lips.

"I won't let you fall victim under the false belief of Caligula's ruling like those other fools," I said in a whisper while gently stroking my son's cheek, "I will raise you to be a generous and kind emperor, you shall not become a madma-"

I quickly fell silent when the sound of tedious footsteps cluttered into my ear. I know that unholy walking pattern from anywhere. Frowning to myself, I sat down and waited. It didn't take long before the man I loathed so much had entered the room, his usual mocking smile was replaced with a concerned one. What could possibly trouble him? Perhaps the guilt of all his sins are finally tarnishing his conscious? HAH! I could only wish for that type of groundbreaking experience. The sudden silence caused me to break free from my thoughts. Glancing up, my (e/c) orbs immediately met his murderous eyes that I hated so much.

"(Y/n), it's been 2 years since I made you mine and you haven't uttered a single word to me since," He frowned slightly but relaxed his facial features and lowered himself beside me, "How long do you honestly intend on keeping that charade up?"

I could feel my blood boil at his mere touch, but now's not the time to lash at him. Averting my gaze to the ceiling, I nonchalantly shrugged his hand off. How long did he really intend to keep this nonsense going? I was never going to submit to him or his vile tactics, nor would I ever love him. He took everything from me, the one I loved, my child, and most of all... my dignity. I shuttered slightly at the feeling of him forcing my head to face him.

"Perhaps you have truly gone mute," he said while smirking.

The concern in his eyes faded and the normal insane gleam had returned.

" Maybe I should just slice open your throat and see for myself. Maybe then I'll have my questions answered. Is that what you want? As emperor of Rome, I command you to answer me!"

I glanced at him for a second with little interest before leaving my child's nursery. I don't intend to just sit around and listen to him bicker all day. He should honestly know this by now, but I guess he doesn't. Releasing a sigh, I came to a stop as I heard him running toward me. Turning quickly, I misinterpreted how close he was and I ended up tripping him by accident. I could only watch as he fell forward on his face, with his arse high in the air. It was funny, you would think he would fall more graceful since he's a supposed emperor. I chuckled slightly at the thought but soon my small chuckle turned into a pure outburst of laughter. I could only watch through slightly opened eyes as he struggled to get back up.

"This is plain disrespect you dare laugh at me," he said while struggling to unwrap his cape, "You're unbelievable, you laugh only when I am hurt. T-that's treason. I'll have your he-"

His speech was cut short when he tripped over his own cape, causing his face to flush a shade of crimson. I couldn't help but laugh harder, even I know it's rare to see him embarrassed and his pride somewhat taken down a notch.

Rome Has Fallen (Caligula/Reader) [Oneshot Lemon]Where stories live. Discover now