Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 24

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*Vanessa's POV*

Oh my Jesus.

I stared, open mouthed from the porch. I hadn't been able to make any words from this far away, but I'd seen the whole thing. Heard the loud shouts coming from Tristan to. And now he was stalking away, leaving Jessie crying in the sand.

I was frozen with shock for a moment, then before I'd even consciously made the decision I was racing across the sand, stumbling, regaining balance, then running some more. When I make it to where Jessie is crumpled I fall to my knee's.

Jessie has managed to curl up into a ball. He was a silent crier, a skill he'd inherited when he'd learned to cry silently when being beaten up by older and stronger kids. He cried silently now, his face buried in his hands and his hands resting against his knees.

My best-friend instincts kicked in. I rubbed his shoulder in small southing circles and murmured pointless reassuring things, my voice a gentle whisper.

"Are you okay?" I asked stupidly after a while.

He sniffled and tried to nod weakly.

"You told him?" I asked, again, another stupid question.

He nods again and looks up at me from a tear stained face.

"I...." sniff "I should have told him sooner" he whimpers and buries his face in my shoulder.

I wrap my arms around him with cold-blooded murder on my mind. Oh Tristan, you moron, I told you right from the start. Mess with my friends and I'll kick your ass. Looks like it's ass kicking time, because right now Jessie was defiantly messed up.

"Jessie don't ever think that. Don't think this is your fault. It's his" I hiss the last part with a gleam of vengeance in my eye's. Jessie's to delicate to handle things like this. Shouldn't have to put up with such bullshit.

"I.. no I...." he hiccupped, trying to blame himself once again.

I shush him and stand, keeping my arm around his back for support.

"Lets get you back to the house" I start guiding him, doubting he can see through the still forming tears. Evan meets us at the door, looking startled and taken aback. He silently opens the door for us though, then follows us to the living room.

Well Jessie chokes on his tears I catch Evan giving me questioning looks. I wave him off, mouthing 'Tell you later' and continue to sooth Jessie. After an hour of hard work I've calmed him down enough for him to feel his growing weariness.

He yawns, looking worn out and vulnerable.

Within minute's he snoring, and feeling rather motherly I throw a blanket over him. I motion for Evan to follow me into the kitchen. He tiptoe's behind me and once we've made it safely to the kitchen we both exhale a huge sigh of relief.

"What happened?!" Evan whispers. His voice is concerned.

"Tristan freaked when he found out" I say with a scowl.

"Oh" he looks less pitying now, as if figuring it wasn't that bad.

"Don't say it like that!" I hiss "I saw. Tristan was awful"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" I snap.

He puts his hands up to surrender. "Okay. So what now?"

I sigh and start pacing, thinking. Not thinking about what I'm going to do, thinking about where Tristan might be hiding. Sadly it occurs to me that he might be anywhere. Where did Tristan usually go to mope? Hmm. And idea struck me.

I was already heading or the door when Evan grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going!?"

"To get Tristan"

"Want me to come and help?" he asked, nervously eying where Jessie slept.

I jerked my wrist free of his grasp. "It's really more of a brother sister thing"

*Tristan's POV*

I sat on top of the lookout, thinking about how the drop into the ocean would kill me. I wasn't suicidal or anything, but anything to keep my mind off previous events was helpful. I knew I was moping around, feeling sorry for myself. But I couldn't help it.

I'd lost all anger, and now all I had was depression or self-pity. I chose the latter. The sun slowly dipping into the horizon and I watched through distant eye's. The sun, bright, inspiring, full of life and light. Beautiful.

I compared it to Jessie. Both were bright, inspiring. Full of light in a poetic sense, though I wouldn't be entirely surprised that if Jessie was hurt and bleeding light instead of blood would poor out. Beautiful. Enough said.

And both the sun and Jessie were slowly dipping away, out of my horizon turning everything black and gloomy. Except I had no stars to hold onto. Mom hated me, Paul and me were still distance, no matter how grateful I was towards him, Vanessa was surly going to hate me, I had no close friends...

I handful of rocks showered over me. "Gah!" I yelped, standing and turning to face my attacker.

Vanessa stood before me, wild eyed and pissed off looking.

A rock the size of my fist whooshed past me face, making me scramble to the side a couple steps and raise my hands in defence. Vanessa looked around for something else to throw, but that my lucky star, there wasn't anything in range. She settled for words.

"You fucking mother-fucker son of a bitch bastard!" she spit.

"Vane-" she cut me off.

"How cold you do that to Jessie!?! JESSIE for frigs sake!!! Were you trying to kill him? You probably could have! Do you not realise how sensitive he is?!!? How fragile?! He's not one of those little bitches you dated! He's got a big heart and you just broke it!!!"

She stopped for breath and I tried to interject.

"Nessa I'm s-"

"Don't you DARE tell me your sorry. Go fix this. Then never talk to my best friends again" she ordered.

"Vanessa I need to apologize, I know, but don't you think your being a little harsh?"

"Absolutely not" she leans down, scopes up a couple more rocks and flings them at me.

"Cut it out..." the words start out harshly, but then I see the tears in her eye's.

She swipes at them angrily, seeing that I've noticed.

"He's me best friend Tristan. Your not the only one loosing something" she says in a quivering voice. Then she's walking back along the trail towards down. I watch her go, feeling worse with every footstep she take's.


Hey super duper Boyxboy fans. Never expected to get thrity comments that fast, hadnt even started this chapter yet and then I was like, woah! thrity all ready. shit, there gonna shank me if I dont hurry it the hell up!!! lol

keep the comments coming please and thanks.

P.S Check out 'Captive' by Jenny_r . Seriously, that writter could write circles around my writting :P And yes, Captive is BoyxBoy :P

Anyways, what did you think of this chapter?????

I liked it. No action, but lots of touchy feelly stuff. Sorry, I'm a girl. can't help it.

*Dances* leave me a comment and I'll happy dance. I have a happy dance, as I've already expalined to a few choice fans. I happy dance for every comment i get. and I upload and write based on comments and there words. therefor saying 'Upload' only helps a little whereas saying 'Omg! this is how I feel about this and blah blah blah' helps alot

Dont think I';m ungrateful though. Love you guys!!

Your My Dream (BoyxBoy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora