Episode 18

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Hell's Angel

Crowley: What? I just said I'd give you the thing.

Sam and Dean: If?

Crowley: Is this how you say 'thank you'? You think these things grow on bloody trees!?

Jofiel: So perfect. Castiel, Heaven's most wanted, possessed by Heaven's most hated.

Angel: You exploded Jofiel.

Lucifer: Or did Jofiel explode himself? Just sayin'.

Amara: What they call 'destruction', I call renovation. My blueprints. Not God's.

Lucifer: Don't you think about it too long. You know what they say -- he who hesitates, disintegrates.

Sam: That's it? Doesn't look like much, does it?

Crowley: First impressions can be deceiving, Moose. For instance, I once thought of you as dull and plodding. Oh, never mind. Bad analogy.

Lucifer: As much as I get a giggle out of you two, and I do, there comes a time when every relationship has run its course. So...

Sam: So, Rowena and Crowley -- like mother, like son, huh? They both took exactly one split second to take off when things started going south.

Dean: Yep.

Sam: By the way, wh-what's Rowena doing with Amara?

Dean: My guess is she's playing the odds. When sucking up to Lucifer didn't work out, maybe she thought Amara was the best bet. Then she heard Lucifer had a shot so she switched horses again.

Sam: Listen. Um, I know I came down on the side of wanting Cas to deal with Amara, so-

Dean: Well, that's what he wanted though, right? Besides, didn't we say that we're gonna swear off getting in the way when one person makes a choice the other didn't agree with?

Sam: Yeah, um. Yeah, we did say that.

Dean: So...

Sam: Okay. So, that's our policy.

Dean: Which sounds damn good. Well, let's go find that idiot and bring him home.

Amara: As God's favorite, His first son, you may be the one thing in all of creation that He still cares about, the one thing that could finally make Him show Himself, so that I can confront Him and He can acknowledge the wrongs He's done me. And then He can witness the utter destruction of all His creation before He Himself is swept away.

Lucifer: You're expecting Him? Oh. Well... I wouldn't wait up. I'm pretty sure He caught the last train out.

Amara: Well, we'll see, won't we?

Lucifer: Oh, come on! It's not like He invented the Prius, which actually works. I don't have to tell you people what a mess mankind is. The Salem Witch Trials, Third Reich, Twin Towers. And, sure, every once in a while, He'll send down a plague to straighten them out, but it's nothing permanent. Humanity brought us Hiroshima and got a redo. I simply questioned His priorities and I got the boot.

Crowley: And I have the Horn of Joshua.

Sam: Joshua? As in the Joshua that won the Battle of Jericho?

Sam: Cas wanted to do this.

Dean: Yeah, well, there's times I wanna get slapped during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea.

Sam: Dean, this is exactly how we screw ourselves. We--we make the heart choice instead of the smart choice.

Dean: Oh, okay. Thank you Dr. Phil.

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