Episode 23

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Alpha and Omega

Sam: Are you, uh... H- How do you feel?

Chuck: You know when you're driving and a bug hits your windshield? I'm the bug.

Rowena: So, that was a gun in your pocket.

Dean: Look, man. If you've got something for me to punch, shoot, or kill, let me know and I'll do it. I'll do it 'til I die. But how are we supposed to fix the friggin' sun?

Dean: You know what? This isn't gonna be enough. I better make a run. No reason to die sober, huh? You want to?

Sam: No!

Crowley: She's using you. It's what she does. Finds someone with power... cozies up... digs the claws in.

Chuck: Hmm. Yeah, well I'm not helping anyone right now, obviously. She's been... nice.

Crowley: For now.

Chuck: Now's kind of all we got.

Crowley: Whatever. I'm not calling you Dad.

Dean: How you doing? You good? I mean, you know, the whole Lucifer thing.

Castiel: I was just... so stupid.

Dean: No, no, no. It wasn't stupid. You were right. You were right to let Lucifer ride shotgun. Me and Sam wouldn't have done that.

Castiel: Well, it didn't work.

Dean: No, but it was our best shot, and you stepped up.

Castiel: I was just trying to help.

Dean: Well, and you do help, Cas. You know, I-- You know, sometimes, me and Sam have got so much going on that.. we forget about everyone else.

Castiel: Well, you do live exciting lives.

Dean: Yeah, that's one word for it. But you're always there, you know? You're the best friend we've ever had. You're our brother, Cas. I want you to know that.

Castiel: Thank you.

Dean: Wait, so now you wanna kill the Darkness? You're cool with this? 'Cause, you know, last time...

Sam: Look, Chuck's dying. Uh, no offense, God.

Chuck: Yeah, no, I- I'm dying.

Castiel: Well, what about souls? They fuel your demon deals. Souls are living batteries. They're full of energy. They're full of light. Each one is as powerful as... 100 suns.

Rowena: H- he's not wrong.

Dean: Okay, so, if we got this kind of juice, then what?

Rowena: You get me enough souls... I can build a bomb.

Crowley: This is desperate... and stupid.

Dean: Well, desperate and stupid's pretty much all we got right now, so...

Dean (Rowena's accent): It's a Book of the Damned spell, boyos. Take this wee crystal. It'll suck up all the blimey ghosts. Just say the magic word.

Bea: I've been feeding these birds going on twenty years now. They're practically family. And I know that makes me sound like a crazy old bat, but... heck. My husband died a couple of years ago, and my son keeps slipping my these brochures for retirement communities -- a.k.a. where they send old folks to die, but not to make a fuss about it.

Amara: So you hate him.

Bea: Well, a little bit. Sometimes. But you know family. Even when you hate them, you still love them.

Sam: Dean, you know you don't have to do this.

Dean: 'Course I do. I just have to get close. I can do that, okay? I can do that.

Sam: You know, if this works, um, that bomb goes off.

Dean: I know.

Dean: You cool with this?

Chuck: No. I- Even after everything she's done, Amara's still my sister. She's my family. I can't- I don't want to see her dead, but...

Dean: Yeah?

Chuck: ...I understand.

Dean: Okay, look. I want a big funeral. All right? I'm talking epic. Okay? Open bar, choir, Sabbath cover band, and Gary Busey reading the eulogy.

Sam: Done.

Dean: And for my ashes, I like it here. Yeah. You know, as far as eternal resting places go.

Amara: With my brother getting weaker, the scales are tipping away from light.

Dean: And into darkness.

Amara: Into nothing. When God's gone. The universe- everything will cease to exist. Including me.

Amara: My brother betrayed me. He locked me away for billions of years. He sent you to execute me.

Dean: No, no. No. He zapped me here, yes, but He didn't want this. This wasn't His idea. You're family. He doesn't want you dead. He doesn't want any of this!

Dean: Is this what you wanted?

Amara: No! I just wanted to hurt Him. I wanted to make Him pay.

Dean: Yeah, that's revenge. It'll get you out of bed in the morning, and when you get it, it feels great... for about five minutes. I've been there. Me and Sam, we have had our fair share of fights, more than our share, but no matter how bad it got, we always made it right because we're family. I need him. He needs me. And when everything goes to crap, that's all you've got, family. And you might be a-an all-powerful being... but I think you're human where it counts. You simply need your brother.

Amara: Just stop.

Dean: You don't want to be alone. Not really. I mean, hell. Maybe that's why you wanted me. But deep down, you didn't really want me... 'cause I'm not Him. So maybe I can kill you. Or maybe I can't. Maybe if I pull this trigger, we all live happily ever after, or maybe we die bloody, or maybe it doesn't matter, because maybe there's a different way. So I'm gonna ask you again. Put aside the rage. Put aside the hate. And you tell me... what do you want?

Amara: In the beginning... it was just you and me, and we were family. I loved you and I thought, I knew... that you loved me.

Chuck: I did. I do.

Amara: But then you went and you made all these other things. I hated them. I hated you for needing something else, something that wasn't me. And then you locked me away, and all I could think about was making you suffer.

Chuck: You had your reasons.

Amara: I did. And I thought revenge would make me happy. But I was wrong. What you've made... it's beautiful. It took me a long time to see that. I know that we can't go back to the way things were. I don't want to. But I wish... I wish that we could just be family again.

Chuck: I do too.

Dean: What about us? What about Earth?

Chuck: Earth will be fine. It's got you... and Sam.

Amara: Dean, you gave me what I needed most. I want to do the same for you.

Toni: We've been watching you, Sam. What you've done, the damage you've caused, archangels, Leviathans, the Darkness, and now, well, the old men have decided enough's enough. I mean, let's face it, Sam. You're just a jumped-up hunter playing with things you don't understand and doing more harm than good. Now, where's Dean?

Sam: Dead. Listen, lady. I don't know who the hell you are or what the hell you want-

Toni: Stop.

Sam: Put the gun down.

Toni: I said stop.

Sam: You and I both know you're not gonna pull the trigger.

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