Chapter 3

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"My dear Sarah, I can't help but notice that you are a little upset. Would you like to tell me why?" Floufli asked.

"You think?" She eyed him, crossing her arms in front of her. "Since you asked, let me tell you that you have disturbed our night time routine. Our schedule was to read a story and go to bed. Now, we are stuck here and I don't know how to get back."

"Sarah, you need to learn that not everything in life is about following a schedule. I want to be your friend. Can we be friends?"

Sarah regarded him through narrowed eyes. "I will consider it."

"While you do that, I believe it's best we be on our way."

As Sarah was standing on the pavement deciding whether to shake Floufli's hand or not, the sky turned darker. A gush of wind suddenly picked up and Sarah's side ponytail was undone. Her chocolate brown hair was covering her face and she couldn't see anything.

"They are back. We need to go find a safe place for you two. Come, follow me," Floufli said and went near a pink triangle. "Hurry up, we need to go."

Luca and Sarah went to his side and he grabbed their hands.

"Please keep your hands and feet crossed at all times during the ride," Floufli said. "Off we go. Lucas, can you do the honors first and jump on the triangle tile."

Lucas stepped on the tile and was swiftly swooped downwards. Sarah gasped and grasped her forehead. "Where did he go? Oh my gosh. I lost him!"

"No need to panic. Here at Otherworldly Land we pride ourselves on our safety measures when traveling. Just go after him." Floufli took a theatrical bow and pointed towards the triangle.

"Argh, this is so infuriating," Sarah grumbled.

"Go on," Floufli nudged her gently.

"Nothing makes sense," she whispered to herself and jumped on the tile.

"Don't forget," Floufli shouted as he hopped in after them, "haaands and leeegs."

Sarah, Lucas and Floufli were sliding down the tube that had opened up below them. Luca's 'woohoo's' were echoing through the pipe. It appears that he is enjoying every moment of the slide.

Lucas was waiting for them spread out on the floor with a satisfied grin on his face. As soon as Sarah landed he asked, "can we do that again? That was so much fun!"

"Watch ouuuut," Floufli yelled as Sarah didn't move away from the end of the tube where she had landed.

Floufli firmly grabbed the sides of the tube and pushed himself jumping upwards to avoid crashing into her. A rip echoed loudly in the room as Floufli rolled to his side and tried to push himself off the ground. Lucas started giggling and Sarah stared at him with one eyebrow raised.

"What? It was my shorts," he said.

"That smells nasty. Air.must.breathe," Lucas said and pulled his T-shirt on his nose.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Floulfi told them as he scratched his head and his ears shook about.

"Floufli the Amazing, what are these creatures doing here?" A high pitched voice called out from behind a blurred glass wall.

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