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@NOEMEMORE- i'm here for simba give me him

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- i'm here for simba give me him

- show me brandon buddy

- nah fuck @joecycoutore give us the dog

"Give us the dog," he said squinting at Noelani's comment. "Noe me more I got you."


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- ...zion no i want you to give me the dog not show me



- your toes bark louder than simba that should mean something to you

"Your toes bark louder than simba," he busted out laughing at Noelani's comment. "Yo okay I get it enough."

@JOECYCOUTURE- but why does it seem like he only reading yo comments noelani

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- but why does it seem like he only reading yo comments noelani

- tbh ion know he either better put them corn chip smelling toes away or give me the dog orrr release the damn album

- facts no printer

- period no pad

- why are people hyping up your foolishness

"Facts no printer, period no pad? What are y'all talking about?" Zion said as he read the comments and played with the dog at the same time.

- @noememore said y'all need to release the damn album or put them gd corn chip toes away.

"Noe me more said need to release the damn album or put them corn chip toes away." He said slowly and he chuckled. "Yo 'Noe me more' you are going in and my toes don't smell like corn chips I know that for a fact."

- thanks for letting him know @user and zion yes they do i can smell them through the screen sir

"Noe, no you can't. See what I did there." He laughed at his lame joke.

- caleb that joke made me loss 5x more brain cells than normal



- who is this girl he keep responding to?

- ahhh i came into zion getting roasted

"yo chill with the 'caleb' Noe why are you coming for me today."

- jsnsnsns honestly ion even know you and edwin are easy targets besides i only hopped on this live to see the dog that i'm taking home with me

"what's your name and your not taking my dog."

- i- caleb i'm not doing this with you
- give up the dog or ill shoot🔫

He shook his head. "someone comment her name."

- 1 don't comment my name


- 2 you must think i'm playing when i say give me the dog


- her name is noelani and she's my best friend
- we leave in LA


"Okay Noelani cool cool."

- okay i'm done with you jocelyn and you pm fans
- y'all supposed to have my back what happened
- i almost got us an album

"You didn't almost get them anything." He laughed.

- okay i'm not doing this unless i'm getting the dog or album
- and i bet you corn chip toes are still out
- i- i gtg i'm out this

left live

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