Chapter 6

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The sun was shining down on the gang as they had woken up on the beach. 

But something seemed very wrong once they got up and looked around the island. All the wreckage from last night had just seemed to disappear and everything looked back to normal like when the gang first arrived. The Coast Guard wasn't around either. 

"Something messed up is happening" Daphne said.

"Really messed up" Walter agreed with her while the others started to wake up. 

"Morning already?" Teeders yawned while rubbing her eyes. 

"Aw, but I was just about to be elected the president of fashion" Cynthia pouted over the dream she was having. 

"Oh please, you don't need a dream to tell you that" Kali deadpanned to her over-dramatic fashionista friend. 

"And you're already president of cuteness in my book" David smiled suavely to his crush while Cynthia rolled her eyes and pushed him away. 

"Is the Coast Guard here?" Shaggy asked as he woke up with Scooby. 

Everyone then looked to see the hotel left undamaged and didn't even look like it had been touched at all.  

"What the hay-bails?" Brock looked confused.  

"Like, what happened to the shattered windows and busted walls?" Shaggy said, also confused. 

"It's like they were just got... magically fixed" Ann thought. 

"Yo, Red!" a blonde girl with pigtails called, walking on the beach. "The ball!"

Daphne then saw a volleyball by her feet and picked it up, tossing it back to the girl.

"Let's go" Daphne told the others. 

"Come on, kids" Walter gestured to the adventure kids, telling them to stay close. 

The group left the beach and came back over by the hotel where they heard music playing and people partying, acting like nothing had happened at all last night. 

"What's going on here?" the twins were baffled. 

"Does anyone else think this is strange?" Shaggy asked the others, confused as they looked around. 

"Okay, we need to split up" Daphne decided. 

"We still need to find Fred, Velma and Jane" Walter told the gang. 

"Right!" the adventure kids nodded firmly. 

"I'll go this way" Mary Jane gestured, and left. 

"And we'll go with you" Shaggy said quickly. But Daphne pointed the other way. 

"Come on, Scoob" Shaggy told his dog and began to leave. Scooby whimpered, wanting to go with Daphne but she made him follow Shaggy.  

"Keep my kids safe" Walter told Shaggy, while he would go search for Jane alone. 

"Like, Scoob and I will protect them with our lives" Shaggy promised Walter, like the brother he always treated him as. 

"Be careful, Dad" Kali and the twins told him, a little worried. 

Walter hugged his three children, smiling to them before leaving to try and find their mother and friends.  

The adventure kids went with Scooby and Shaggy, when Scooby soon picked up a familiar scent.

"Fred?" Scooby and the kids asked surprised, seeing Fred acting like a fun guy with the other college students and using some slang. Scooby and the kids have never seen him act like this before, ever.  

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