Chapter 10

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Everyone cheered as the adventure kids came out with Mystery Inc, having saved the world from what could've been a total disaster. 

The police and Coast Guard had arrived on the scene to take the bad guys away, along with news reporters who surrounded the mystery gang. 

"Fred, can you tell us how you solved the case?" one female reporter asked Mystery Inc's leader.

Velma was worried Fred was going to take all the credit again, like the glory hog he was. But to her surprise, Fred decided to let her take the lead on this one. 

Walter looked very happy and proud of Fred for letting Velma get some credit this time.  

Velma looked a little nervous while the adventure kids gave her a gently push forward, smiling to her, telling the smart girl she got this and soon began explaining. 

"Through the combined intuitive powers of Mystery Inc, we've discovered the real villain is, in fact, Scrappy Cornelius Doo, who sadly was corrupted by the power of the Daemon Ritus" Velma explained to the news reporters. 

"Ah, Get over it!" Scrappy called out angrily in a cage carrier, while the police loaded him up into the helicopter with Tuana and Zarkos. "So I got a little cranky!"

"Jeez, Scrap. It's no reason to freak out like a jerk and try to kill all of humanity" David told the evil puppy.  

"Yeah, and make a bunch of angry kids miss out on a free vacation" Ann added. 

"I would've gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling sons of!-" Scrappy was about to yell, before the police slammed the helicopter door shut and flew away. 

The adventure kids asked Walter what was going to happen to Scrappy now as they watched the helicopter fly away. Most likely he'll be sent to a strict puppy boarding school Walter told them. But Walter and the adventure kids were sure Scrappy would learn his lesson one day. Only time would tell. 

The adventure kids then noticed Walter had been secretly talking to Mystery Inc about something and the gang soon walked up to the kids.

"Hey, kids. So, the gang and I have been talking with Walter and were wondering... Would you like to join Mystery Inc as junior members?" Fred asked them. 

The adventure kids looked shocked, not knowing what to say. 

"Are you guys serious?" Teeders asked them. 

"You helped us save the day" Velma told them. "We could really use your skills to help solve some more cases"

"And besides, we'd love having you" Daphne added. 

The adventure kids were silent while they thought about this for a second, until Kali finally said... "We'd be honored" 

The Mystery Inc gang cheered, happy to have the adventure kids on board as they all came in for a group hug and Scooby licked the kids. 

"Thanks, Dad" Kali told her dad while she hugged him. 

"I love you, sweetie" Walter told his daughter, then suddenly got overexcited. 

"Just wait! We'll show you how to find clues, scream and run away from the monsters, set traps, pull off crazy stunts!-" Walter kept going until he and the kids heard someone clear their throat and turned to see Jane looking strictly towards them with her arms crossed. 

Walter then cleared his throat, telling his kids. "I mean... Just as long as it's okay with your mother" 

The kids looked worried at Jane, wondering what she would think. But instead... she smiled to them, saying. "Alright, you guys can join Mystery Inc" 

"Really?" the twins asked her, smiling. 

"I figure you guys can handle a little spooky mystery" Jane smiled to the adventure kids, approving of them going on mysteries with Walter, Scooby and the gang. 

Everyone then smiled to each other, while Walter was glad that Mystery Inc was finally back together. 

"Now that Mystery Inc. is back together, any comment on the Mud Bog Ghoul who's been terrorizing London?" a news reporter asked the gang. 

"Whatever the case..." Fred started, then held out his hand in the center. "Mystery Inc. will be there"

"Solving mysteries, man" Shaggy said, putting his hand in the circle. 

"Righting wrongs" Daphne said, placing her hand in the circle. 

"Looking for clues" Velma said, placing her hand in the circle. 

"Kicking butt" Walter added, putting his hand in the circle and soon Scooby did too with his paw. 

"And always sticking together as a team" the adventure kids concluded while they all put their hands in the center, joining in as the gang's new members. "...Cause that's what friends do"

With that, the gang all threw their hands up in the air and cheered while the crowds cheered for them as well. 

The reunited mystery gang promised to never split up again. And now, with the adventure kids on board helping them, they would solve even more mysteries always with...

Scooby Dooby Doo!

Bonus Epilogue~ 

A short while later, Spooky Island came through with an all-you-can-eat deal for Shaggy and Scooby. And they had the adventure kids join them. 

Shaggy soon challenged Scooby and the kids to a hot pepper contest... which didn't end well. 

Kali was the only one willingly enough to take the challenge and obviously beat the boys, winning the contest, while Shaggy and Scooby were running around screaming like their mouths were on fire. 

Kali smirked. Nobody could ever beat the tomboy in a hot pepper contest. 


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