Literature Club.

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Natsuki's POV

All day I thought about Yuri.
'why did she kiss me?'
I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I found myself touching my lips as if she just kissed me again and again.
Then it was time to go to the club,
'oh god this is going to be awkward'
I walked in the club and saw Sayori and Monika, 'Yuri must be late.'
Sayori is always happy, she is one of those people that piss me off, they are always wanting to help and it just annoys me for some reason.
Monika is the type that can really get anything she wants, she's popular, smart, pretty, everyone always kissing her ass like they're her slaves.
And then there's Yuri, she is calm and introverted, always by herself, I thought I couldn't stand her but then she kissed me and I don't know what to think about her anymore.
I took a seat and took out a Manga.
Sayori yelled "Hi" to me and waved so I stayed "Hi" back and then I saw Yuri walk in.
I pulled the Manga over my face and pretended to not see her.
The room smelled of tea and cupcakes
And then I remembered there was supposed to be a new member today.
'Hopefully they aren't annoying like Yur-'
I was about to say Yuri but she I stopped myself, I don't know what to think about this situation.
Sayori must've left without me seeing because she came back in and yelled louder than she had to
"Our new member is here!"
I looked up from my book waiting for her to come in but when they walked in I realized it was a boy
"You brought a boy?!"
I yelled instinctively jolting up and slamming my manga on the table
'what the hell! A boy!?'
Everyone was looking at me except Yuri who was looking away from my direction.
My face flushed with embarrassment. I sat down and read my manga.
Everyone was greeting him and I looked up from my manga, I saw he was with Yuri and they were a little to close to eachother and u could see she was doing that thing where she bit the tips of her hair when she was nervous.
I felt weird, I got this weird feeling 'could it be jealousy? No of course not"
But I knew I was jealous, then I saw Yuri's blood stained uniform and I remembered that I was gonna bandaged her but then she...
'but I can't she's too busy flirting with that idiot'

The rest of the day felt like it was going slow. I tried to hangout with our new member (who's name was Jack)
as much as possible I don't know why but I was trying to make Yuri jealous and I pretty sure it worked.
At the end of the day I pretended to look for something in my bag so I could stay longer with Yuri who was probably doing the same thing.
After everyone left I went up to Yuri and we just stood awkwardly looking at eachother.
"Um when you fell early you were bleeding,I have bandages I can bandage it up if it's a big cut"
I looked at her arm and it looked like it was bleeding again
"No it's fine I'm alright i'll bandage it when I get home." She said looking away from me to her arm and she must've noticed it was bleeding cause she looked at me and said I could bandage her arm.
When I lifted her sleeve up I saw she had a bandage on her arm already.
She was looking away from me and looked flustered.
I took the bandage off and let out a small quite gasp, she had cuts up her arm all the way to the inside of her joint.
She closed her eyes tight "what's wrong?" She choked out the words as if she knew what was wrong.
"U-um the cut is worse than I thought"
Which wasn't a lie, I turned her arm over and saw that her elbow skin was peeling off and the wound was deep.
"I think you landed on a rock when you fell, and you must've fallen hard"
The room was silent as I was bandaging her arm
"Fallen hard for you" she muttered almost to quite for me to hear.
"You know your not the kind to help"
Yuri said a smile coming across her face.
"Ya whatever you should probably get that wound checked out"
She just nodded "Your usually really mean, and any other time you wouldn't care" she said teasingly
"Whatever big boobs, at least I can fit through doors" I said defensively
She stood up "Ok, tiny no wonder you don't have a boyfriend you look like a preschooler, I actually attract men"
I stood up and pushed her "at least I don't cut myself!" I accidentally blurted out.
I hated when she made fun of my size.
Yuri crashed into a desk and I laughed
"Don't judge me by my size"
But she didn't get up.

It took me a couple of minutes to figure out something was wrong.
Yuri wasn't getting up.

Yuri's POV

'Why did I kiss her'
I couldn't concentrate in class and I zoned out when I focused I was scribbling Y+N and hearts on my study sheets.
My arm had stopped bleeding and I hadn't looked at it yet so I didn't know how bad it was. I was worrying all day about going to the club.

It was time for club and I was stressing. I went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face
'you'll be fine" I thought to myself.
When I went to the club Natsuki was reading Manga of course she wouldn't want to talk to me. I sighed and sat down. Sayori came into the room with our new member 'A boy!?'
He was kinda cute but he wouldn't like me. I greeted him and we ended up reading together and talking.
His name was Jack and he was really nice.
At the end of the day Natsuki and I were the last ones there.
She offered to bandage my arm and I reluctantly let her.
'please don't let her see my cuts'
I was sure she saw them when she gasped but she didn't I sighed with relief as she bandaged my arm.
I teased her and I hadn't been expecting her to get so mad but she pushed me with unexpected strength and the last thing I heard her say was
"At least I don't cut myself!"
And then it all went dark.

I-It's Not Like I Like You | Cuts And Bruises | {Natsuri}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum