Chapter 5

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He was looking at himself in the mirror that was hanging across the wall from where he was standing. He looked a hot mess, he ran his fingers through his mop of curls that lived on his scalp and tried to make it look like he wasn't doing anything nasty. After unsuccessfully trying to fix his afro, he made his descend down the stairs back to the living room where his friends were sitting.

(Time skip to about 30 seconds before this)

After Chris had snorted, Rafa heard heard Daveed move towards the door. He grabbed Lin and Chris by the collar of the shirts and practically dragged them down the stairs as fast as he could just before Daveed opened the door. When they got there, Chris got back in his chair and tried his best to make it look like he was scrolling through Facebook, while Lin and Rafa were sitting there on their phones doing whatever the hell it was they were doing. Daveed came back to the room a few moments later, everyone looking up at him in shocked surprises, trying to hide the fact that they knew something he didn't. "Jesus dude, I thought you fell in for a minute there, I was about to up there and break the fricking door down. " Lin said, putting his phone away. "No fucking kidding. I thought you decided to disappear for an hour, abandoning your two fucking friends, and your motherfucking best friend." Daveed put his hand behind his head, "Sorry guys. Don't worry I'm fine." Chris was still scrolling through his phone, watching the video of them outside the bathroom door. He laughed a little, which made everyone look at him. "What's so funny?" Daveed asked, walking over to him. Chris shoved his phone in his pocket, "Its nothing, just some stupid video." "I wanna see it, please?" Chris looked at the guys for support, who has realized what he was watching. "Is it that black people be like compilation video?" Rafa asked, saying the most random video he had recently watched off the top of his head. Chris nodded, "Yeah, you might not like it, it might be a little racist." Daveed nodded and returned to previous place he was sitting before he had done his business in the bathroom. Lin looked at the ground and Rafa was combing through his hair. Chris sat in his chair, tapping his foot on the ground, in a pattern. Daveed scanned them, "Are you guys alright?" Lin looked at him, "Oh yeah, we're fine. Right guys?" Rafa nodded, along with Chris. Daveed crossed his arms. "I don't appreciate being lied too." Rafa started to sweat a little, Chris coughed. Lin looked at Chris, "Show him. Do it." Chris eyed Rafa, who nodded slowly. Daveed looked up, "Show me what?" Chris pulled his phone out and opened the last video he had recorded. Rafa crawled over next to the chair, beckoning Daveed to join them. "You have to see this." Daveed strutted over to them, kneeling next to Rafa. Chris started to giggle before the video even popped up and he put his phone on his chest, "Are we sure about this?" Lin was chuckling too, "Positive." Chris took his phone off his chest and clicked the video. It showed them nearing the final step before they got to the bedroom door and Daveed's noises could be heard. Rafa covered his mouth was his hand, as video Chris put the phone next to the door. The sounds were clear and disturbing. Daveed was blushing a bright red now, looking away from the phone. Rafa and Lin was cracking up in the video, silently laughing as Daveed continued on his pleasure journey. The three friends were on the verge of laughing out loud, Daveed blushing now a beet red. When the video ended, they were now tearing up their voice boxes with their laughs, filling the empty sound in the house. Daveed covered his face, not bearing to face the embarassment and stare at his friends. As the laughing ended, they looked at Daveed, who's whole face at this point was crayola red. Rafa patted his back, "Don't worry, we all do it. You just happened to do it while you had people over and didn't do a good job of masking it from the outside world." Daveed sighed. Lin smiled, "Dude, relax. We won't tell anyone, just a secret between us." "Unless we have to bribe you!" Chris said, staring at Daveed intensly. Rafa got in his face, "But we won't unless measures like those are needed." Chris nodded, "Yeah."
Lin stretched, "Well , I'm going home. Vanessa is probably wondering where I am." Chris got up off the recliner too. "Yeah, wives man. They always need you." Rafa was third to get up, "Well, I just have to go home and sleep, maybe write a couple more lyrics for our album." Daveed was the last of the four to stand, "I'll try my best to get past this writer's block. It's never been this bad." Lin and Chris left after that, conversing as they walked out the door. Rafa looked at his bestie, "Hey. Don't worry about the video thing, I'll make Chris delete it if it'll make you feel any better." Daveed looked at his eyes, "Thanks." And there they were again, staring at each other in the eye for like the third time. Rafa was very tempted to stroke Daveed's cheek, but he forced his hand to stay by his side. Daveed, however, lifted his hand reluctantly, as if he was trying to decide if he should do it or not. Rafa noticed, and nodded that it was ok. Daveed placed his warm, strong hand on Rafa's cheek, smiling softly at him. Rafa reacted instantly and tilted his hand into his palm. After 10 seconds of doing this, they both realized that they were doing it. Daveed instantly withdrew his hand, and rubbed it on his pants. Rafa coughed and stuttered, "Yeah
dud...dude. want to make you?" Daveed shook his head, making his curls bounce from side to side. Rafa wanted to grip his hair as Daveed sucked his member, but that wasn't going to happen. Not any time soon, at least. Rafa nodded a final goodnight, and walked out the front door. Daveed was left standing there, tears starting to form in his angel eyes. He wiped them, but they kept replacing them with new fresh tears. He walked upstairs and plopped facedown on his bed, a sob escaping his throat. He bawled into his pillow, another time to show his affection for the one he loved...wasted.

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