Chapter 10

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The next day, Rafa emerged from his bed, his face feeling dry from his tears. He slowly got to his feet, stretching as he headed for his broken door. Right, Daveed broke it when he stormed in last night. He thought, trying his best to close it behind him.
As he washed in the shower, he ran over what happened last night, the sex, the hiding, the running away part that nearly gave him a heart attack. He sighed, letting the water run down his face. He stood in the shower stream, the water prickling his face as it hit him. He opened his mouth, some water flying in. He closed his mouth when it was full enough, then swallowed, warm shower water running down his dry throat. It hurt a little, but not as bad as yesterday.
He thought of Daveed, the way he was pounding into Jalane, in a way he hasn't done to Rafa. Yet, remember you know they're going to break up. But even as he told himself that, he knew he we lying.
He stepped into his kitchen, his fresh clothes clinging to still sorta wet back. He whipped up some eggs, and drank some coffee. What to do today, what to do? He thought, then he got a text from Chris.

Text info:

Hamilton's Daddy: Heya, heard something happened between you and Daveed.

Yeah, he had a girlfriend he didn't tell me about.

Hamilton's Daddy: Shit, that must suck.

Yeah, but there's something else you don't know.

Hamilton's Daddy: What is this secret you've been hiding

Me and him have begun a "relationship". Past just friendship

Hamilton's Daddy: You telling me you guys have been fucking each other?


Hamilton's Daddy: I knew it..

Yeah, but he had sex with her last night, so I don't know what to do

Hamilton's Daddy: How did you know they had sex?

I'd better come over.

Rafa put his phone in his pocket, then realized his car was still at Daveed's. Shit. Whatever. He walked down the street, not stopping until he got to Daveed's place. The house was dark, and Daveed's car wasn't in the driveway. Thank goodness. He got in, then drove to Chris's house.

(Time skip to noon, when Rafa arrives at Chris's house.)

Rafa knocked out the door, looking at the yard behind him. It was well kept, like someone really took care of it. The lock behind him clicked open, making him turn around to see Chris and his bushy, thick eyebrows. "I always wonder what you would look like without such thick eyebrows." Rafa said, staring at them intensely. "I'd look frightening, I'll tell you that." Rafa nodded, the stepped inside. Chris sat on the couch, Rafa taking the sofa. Chris leaned forward, then crossed his hands in his lap, "Now tell me about this situation."

After explaining the whole thing to Chris, Rafa took a deep breath and leaned back into the comfortable material that made of his seat. Chris stared at him, taking in the whole story. "It sounds like Daveed's at the fault here." Rafa nodded, "Thats what I'm thinking." Chris got up, heading into the kitchen. "But don't sweat it, maybe he'll give her up. And if be doesn't then move on." Rafa got up, following him. "You make it sound easy, I've loved him since we first met." He looked up from his drink, "Damn. That long." Rafa nodded, stepping towards Chris. "Maybe, I should try someone else and get on his nerves." Chris put his drink back on the counter. "Sounds imteresting! Who do you have in mind?" Rafa stood in place, "Don't laugh." Chris smiled at the reference, but went on with it. "Who is it?" Rafa took another step, now directly in from of Chris. "They happen to be the person in front of me." Chris's mouth fell open, "Whaat!" But Rafa connected their lips, grabbing Rafa's cheek. Chris tried to slink back, but began to kiss back. He placed his hand behind Rafa's head, the other on his waist.
They broke away, "What about Veronica." Chris whispered, their lips barely touching. "I'll talk to her, she'll understand. She hates back-stabbers." Chris smiled, "You're right. We'll say that we're getting back for doing all that he's done for you." Rafa nodded, then gave him a quick peck. "Should we advance?" Chris kissed him back, the answer his tongue entering his mouth.

I'm kinda tired to do the smut, I'll add a little but if you want extra, just wait for it. Haha.

Rafa was on the edge of climax, thrusting into Chris with all his leg power. I'm not really sure why they are doing it, my thought is that they are kinda in love too. And since Daveed has left him, Rafa needs someone and Chris sees that. I'm not sure...
Chris gripped the bedsheets, his knuckles turning white. He gazed at Rafa's eyes, who stared at him with lust and desire. "Im...about to cum." Rafa moaned, put his face into the crook of Chris's neck. Chris wrapped his arms around him, his muscles creating a powerful bear hug. "God, please do it."
Rafa filled Chris's entire ass, some semen even spitting out. Chris had his head back, eyes and mouth open. Rafa rolled off him, his dick dead. "Shit." He said, getting up and grabbing his pants. Chris gave his final moan, returning back to himself. He got up too, limping towards Rafa.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to get you so knocked up." Rafa said. Chris chuckled, buckling his pants, and grabbing his shirt. "You aren't my first time." Chris said, winking at Rafa who shot his a confused look.
Rafa and Chris stood outside his house. "I'll call you tomorrow for the plan." Rafa said, looking towards his car. Chris nodded, "I'll handle my wife." Rafa smirked, kissing Chris one last time. (George Washington's going home.) Chris smiled, then headed back inside.
Rafa got into his car. This is going to be hell of a ride.

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