"I would like a depresso,"
"What's that?"
" It's an espresso for depressed people."
Where Draco finds himself more addicted to the cute barista than her coffee.
[post war]
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"HEY CAMILA," DRACO drawled out. "Are you free right now?" He asked.
"Yeah but I need to eat lunch right now because I'm dying of hunger right now," Camila said, her mouth watering at the thought of good food.
"Come on, let's go then. I know a good place around here," he said. He took her hand in his, causing her heart to beat way faster than normal. He quickly apparated her in front of Rodriguez's Restaurant.
Camila scoffed. "Did you bring me here because my last name is Rodriguez or because I'm half Mexican?" Camila asked.
Draco just rubbed the back of his neck, guilty of her accusations.
"Well just for your information, this is the restaurant my dad owns," she added and entered inside.
The shop looked the same as it always did. The smell of spices in the air, waiters bustling about and her father at the manager's office. She was about to go there but saw Draco sitting at a table and went towards him.
"What is your favourite dish here?" Draco asked.
"I love the tacos," Camila answered, her mouth watering as she remembered the taste. They ordered a plate a nachos with cheese and two plates of tacos. While waiting, Camila could sense some tension in the air.
The tacos had arrived but the awkward tension hadn't been broken. Camila jumped in shock when she suddenly heard her dad's voice. "Is my little hija here on a date?"
"No, papá. Draco's just a friend," she said, hoping the ground to open up and swallow her.
"Well, no matter what. You better treat my little Camila well," he said and was about to threaten Draco when the head chef called him.
"Your dad seems cool," Draco said, breaking the awkward silence.
Camila hummed in reply, glad he didn't do anything embarrassing. They ate quietly after that.
Draco called the waiter for the bill. He had brought muggle money with him, and so he paid this time.
They went to the alley behind the restaurant to apparate without being seen by the muggles. Draco held his hand out and they apparated into the small alley near the cafe. He probably didn't realise how small it was for two people when he decided to apparate there.
The small proximity between them made Camilla's heart beat loudly. He looked down at her, smirking at her as he realised how little space there was between them. He slowly pressed her against the brick wall, arms on either side of her face, caging her.
It seemed as if all of her senses were heightened. Camila could feel his hot, minty breath fanning over her face. She noticed his pupils dilate, his stormy gray eyes slowly closing. He leaned towards her, brushing his lips tentatively against hers.
Camila's eyes fluttered shut. He was kissing her slowly, too slowly for her liking. She pulled him closer by his shirt collar, trying to get rid of any space. She wove her hands into his hair, tugging on it. He kissed her back with equal force, hands on her waist, trying to pull her closer.
"I hate to say this Draco, but if you don't come right now you're going to be fired," a voice said, forcing them to break their kiss.
Camila looked flustered whereas Draco just smirked down at her. "I'll see you soon," Draco whispered softly into her ear before he left with Blaise.
Camila felt like she was in cloud nine. She was floating and was the happiest she had been in quite a while. She wanted to spend all her time with him, talking and kissing (maybe more of kissing than talking).
She had a feeling this wasn't just mere infatuation. She knew this was going to take her down but every second was going to be worth it.