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"Ugh, I'm so tired." Jacob throws his car keys on the kitchen table. "I've had enough weddings to last for the next ten years."

I smile lightly, but not without a sting in my heart. "Our only friends who aren't married yet, are single, so we're safe for at least a year, I think."

"I hope so. If one of them is foolish enough to get married within the first year of a relationship, I'll murder them. Or boycott the wedding or something. It's not that I'm not happy for them, but after the third one ... All those extravagant parties ..."

We go to the bathroom to change and brush our teeth. I can't help the constant sideways glances at Jacob. I don't know how to bring up I want us to get married.

"Ian? You okay?" I look up from the sink to see Jacob staring at me. "You seem a bit off. I know those weddings are draining, but if you wanted to go home earlier, you could have said so."

"It's nothing. Let's just go to bed." I smile at him and he responds alike.

"Whatever you say." He brushes my temple to put a strand of hair behind my ear.

We crawl under the sheets and share some light kisses and nuzzle each other's nose, before putting some distance between us. We don't spoon to really sleep, because we both agree it's uncomfortable and I don't get how people are even able to sleep like that. Instead we often intertwine our fingers and our feet seem to seek each other out during the night. It exudes a fragile intimacy, typical for our relationship. We're both affectionate people, but we prefer the light touches and brushes, holding hands, the smiles and glances.

Jacob switches the night light off and whispers: "Love you. Sweet dreams."

"You too."


The next day we sleep in, something we usually don't do. I wake up with my back pressed to Jacob's. I turn around and he shifts a little, without opening his eyes. Therefore I sit up to check my phone.


"Yes, you awake?"

Jacob scrambles up and yawns. I yawn as well and he smiles sleepily. "Morning."

"Morning." I turn on the night light.

"Come here. I want to cuddle." I laugh and climb over his leg. Once seated comfortably, I lean back against his chest, his arms loosely wrapped around my waist. Jacob kisses my head and I close my eyes. Neither of us says anything. After a while, I start massaging his right hand, wondering if I should bring it up. Even if Jacob doesn't want to get married, it's not like he would be mad because I asked, right? And if I don't speak my mind, it could cause unnecessary tension.



"Last night ... I was a bit off, because ... Well, I was wondering if ... Uhm, you say you don't want another wedding for the next ten years, but I actually hoped for you and me to tie the knot somewhere in the near future?" Jacob remains silent and I turn my head to look at him. He pecks my nose, which calms my nerves a little.

"Okay. If you want to get married ... I mean: why not? Just promise me it will be modest. I don't think I can stand another one of those college parties they call a wedding."

"Of course. I wouldn't want it any other way. The intimacy and the small gestures are the things I enjoy the most in our relationship. I'm just happy you've agreed." I swing my legs over his right one, so we can make out comfortably.

When we take a pause to regain our breaths, he says: "I can't say I was waiting for you to propose or something, but if you want to, I really don't mind, because I do plan to hopefully spend the rest of my life with you and I really thought about proposing, but just not anytime soon."

"We can wait as long as you want. I don't mind being engaged for, like, two years." I grin. "I just wanted to give you un upgrade from boyfriend to fiancé."

Jacob snorts. "Nice." He rests his chin on my shoulder. "You know, an informal moment like this was the perfect proposal for me. If you had done something grand, I'd just have felt too embarrassed to answer. Though we should probably still celebrate our engagement one way or another. Do you fancy going out for dinner and a movie?"

I chuckle. "The classic date."

"Why not? Will you say yes?" His tone radiates amusement.


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