1-the beginning

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    "Mandy stop!" I yelled, my best friend's real name was Amanda but one day I called her Mandy and I guess it just stuck.
    "William and Scar sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.
    "I'm going to kill you!" I said laughing and chasing her down the hall, I didn't even bother to close my locker. William and I had been dating for about one and a half years by now but I still hated her teasing me in the halls. I really had no reason to be embarrassed but I still was. After a while I gave up and went back to my locker. I got my stuff and headed to my next class, math. I've always loved math because it's been really easy for me, but I stink at LA.
   I sat down in my usual seat, right near the teacher and saved the seat right next to me with my stuff and right on time William came in, just like every other week day. I smiled and waved at him.
    "Did you do the homework?" He asked. I swear our relationship was just based off of work, we never saw each other out of school and he didn't have a phone so I couldn't even contact him. He never even said hi to me anymore. I nodded and turned my attention to the teacher, who had already started the lesson.
                  In the middle of the lesson
    All of a sudden while the teacher was talking there was a knock at the door. Someone walked in, I had never seen him before so I figured he must be new. He was undeniably hot and I couldn't help but blush by looking at him. William glanced over at him and looked back at his worksheet. "Great, a new toy for all the girls, am I right?" He said. I wasn't listening though. The new kid's hair seemed to be following in the wind even though there was no wind. I swear it's like an angel was sent to me. I guess I would have to be learning math from home because I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate in class anymore. His jawline looked like it could cut my finger and I loved that about it. "Hey, Scarlette??!!" William yelled, waving his hand in my face. I snapped back into reality.
    "Y-yeah?" I answered. I had completely forgotten that we were in school.
    "This is our new student, Jackson." The teacher said, "You can sit in the back, Scarlette won't you be so kind and sit next to Jackson to show him the lesson."
    "Umm sure!" I said barely able to contain my excitement. I could already tell today was going to be VERY interesting.

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