2- the tour

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    William glanced at me and I waved goodbye, I knew that I probably wouldn't be sitting with him anytime soon while I had Jackson. Jackson sat down soon after me and the teacher picked up the lesson. I couldn't even concentrate, I was too busy staring at Jackson. Gosh he was just so good looking, it felt like he came out of a movie. "Take a picture it will last longer." He said sarcastically.
"Sorry just got lost in thought, ya know math, so interesting." I said very flustered when I noticed something, my cheeks were burning up. This was not the time for me to be blushing. I quickly looked away and covered my face with my notebook. Thank god the bell rang.
"Can you please come here Scarlette and Jackson?" The teacher asked. We both walked over in confusion. "Scarlette you will be showing Jackson around for the rest of the day while he gets used to this school."
"Okay, follow me Jackson!" I almost screamed. We were walking out of the classroom together when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.
"Scarlette?" William asked, "I thought we were having lunch together?" I shook my head no and caught up to Jackson who hadn't stopped walking. We both went to our lockers and put our stuff away. I took out my lunchbox and met Jackson at his locker.
"Get your lunch." I said, "we'll eat after the tour is over." I showed him around the cafeteria, gym, and all of his classes, all that was left was the football field. It was a bright and sunny day, perfect for eating lunch outside. We sat down on the bleachers and I started eating my turkey and cheese sandwich. I was halfway done with my sandwich when I noticed that Jackson didn't have any lunch, he was just sitting there staring at me. "Here you go." I said giving Jackson the other half of my sandwich. The rest of the lunch was very quiet as he ate in silence, I would say we ate in silence but all I had was a sandwich and I had already finished my half. After he was done we talked a little. "So, where did you used to live?" I asked.
"I used to live here, I just got kicked out of my old school because of my ex girlfriend." He replied, I didn't really know what to say to that so I just said this...
"Well school with be over in like ten minutes so we should get back inside I guess." Just as I said that I felt a drop of rain hit my nose, then another, and another, and another. Before we knew it, rain was coming down heavily. "Aaaaaah!" I screamed. I took my leather jacket and put it over our heads so our hair would stay dry and we ran inside together.

To be continued...

I hope you're enjoying this story! Make sure to go read my other stories! The more popular ones are not my choice and revenge! They will be continued and this story will definitely be continued! Bye!

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