Pietro Maximoff • Running✔️

3.5K 85 8

(Y/N) = Your Name
(H/C) = Hair Colour
(E/C) = Eye Colour

POWERS: none, high skill set
WARNINGS: none, fluffy
Set after Avengers: Age of Ultron (if he didn't die)
(I apologise - I have no idea what I've written and sorry for the cringe😂)

She just kept going. Her legs were burning, breathing heavy and she was sure she'd need a new set of lungs afterwards, but she didn't stop. There was no way. Leaves and twigs crunched under her heavy steps, and her (H/C) locks flew back at her pace but she ignored everything. Pain was stabbing her stomach, feeling the blistering stitch forming at her side for running so long, but she ignored that too.

She was relatively fast anyway, able to keep up with Natasha and Clint when they ran, but this was one person she couldn't outrun. She knew that much. His blue streak would dart past faster than anyone could see. Blink once and you'd miss him. He was toying with her. She wouldn't still be running if he wasn't. He could zip in front of her and she wouldn't stand a chance.

She swallowed, daring a glance behind her. Those sharp, blue orbs stared back, not even breaking a sweat from the run. She scowled weakly, clenching her fists as she pushed herself faster. She needed to run. It was never her strongest point, despite how fast she was. She could never be the speed of the likes of the white haired speedster, but so long as she could outrun someone normal on foot, that's all that mattered.

"You can't run much further."

She didn't know how long they'd been running. Minutes, hours, she couldn't tell. The only thing she knew is that he was right - her body was fatiguing, slowly giving up on her but she refused to give in. She had to prove herself. To who though? It wasn't the male behind her. It wasn't herself. Who was she trying to prove her speed to? Maybe it was just something she needed to do. As mentioned before, running wasn't the strongest point of her and it needed improvement. She didn't want to be as fast as the one behind her - she couldn't, it was impossible. She just needed to believe she could keep running under pressure.

She stumbled slightly, wincing as her ankle twisted but she kept going. Each step was now more painful than the last but she didn't care. The pain felt... nice. It's what made her feel alive. No, she wasn't a psychopath, but everyone enjoyed pain to some extent. It was the rush of adrenaline that passed through her bones. Every nerve coming to life and exposing part of her. It gave her something to hide from her enemies, something else to fight against. Fighting with pain is what made her stronger - running with pain made her faster.


It was a single word but it meant a lot.

Stopping now meant giving up, and she wasn't about to do that. Just a little further. But where was she even going? She knew that none of her surroundings where familiar, so she could only guess that she was far enough from her home, from the compound. No one could find her out here. She was lost. They were lost but she didn't care. It felt nice knowing that she could run far enough where no one could find her. She could keep going until she could hide. No one knew she was out here.

She twitched when she felt the male behind her run closer, his sapphire eyes scanning her body as it wobbled with every step. He would admit, he was impressed. He knew that she relied heavily on her specially designed board for fast transport, but her running was improving. Even with her muscles tiring, she was still going strong, determination written on her face. Soft, ragged pants left her, a red hue on her face as she began to struggle again.

She knew he was watching her but she ignored the burning stare. He wanted her to stop? Then he'd have to stop her himself. She wasn't going to pause or hesitate because if she did, that would be it. As soon as she stopped, her body would drop from exhaustion. She clenched her fists, flinching as a sudden bolt of pain lashed through her injured ankle and up her leg. A small yelp left her, but she gritted her teeth, ignoring the sting of tears at her eyes. Stop me. Stop me yourself.

As if he read her thoughts, the white haired male pounced and she barely registered his sudden movement. She stumbled to the side, failing her arms about as she tried to keep her balance on her injured ankle. She gritted her teeth as she tried to concentrate again, but the male beside her wasn't having it.

He turned his steps and raced towards her. She squeezed her eyes shut, turning herself into his direction, slamming her hurting form against his. A grunt of pain left her at this action, but she continued in this mini battle, enjoying the sudden rush of adrenaline.

They stumbled away, still moving so her body didn't give up on her. He leapt on her form, dragging her to the ground where they rolled, sending soft punches and scratches to one another which would change into vicious hits and attacks in a real life battle. Moving faster, their bodies became a blur to the naked eye. A particularly harsh hit caused her to cry out, but the action was soon stopped when she bit harshly onto his hand, a yelp running through her opponent.

Body finally giving in, she used her last bit of strength to push him to the ground. She straddled him, weakly pining his arms to the ground. She half expected him to use her tired body to his advantage and swap their positions to claim victory, but he stared up at her and relaxed his body, submitting to the female above him.

"I win." She breathed, her arms shaking.

The male smiled, not showing half the tiredness as she did, "All that, just to win a little rough and tumble?" A small sigh left the tired one, and before she could do anything, she found herself in the opposite position. Only this way, his body was between her legs, hands pinning down her wrists, "You may have won the battle, but I'll always win the war." His thick Russian accent mumbled.

She panted lightly, not having enough energy left in her to fight back and so she submitted to him, relaxing her body. He leaned down, pressing his lips against hers in a harsh but passionate manner. A soft complaint left her in surprise, but she kissed back, struggling to move her hands from his grasp. He could feel the weakness within her body, and wasn't about to use that to his advantage. But seeing her under him always did something to him. They both knew that he was the dominant one in this relationship, and he yearned for that control. It was odd. She wasn't used to being submissive in any way. But that's how she found herself when his tongue prodded it's way past her lips.

Inexperienced, her eyes widened in shock at this but soon slipped closed again. The feel of their tongue slipping past one another sent a buzz through her like no other. All the adrenaline she felt through the running and the pain, was all felt through his passionate kiss. Her body ignited every time they met, twitching slightly. Never had they shared an experience such as this before - the one thing that made it better was when a few rain drops fell on them, notifying them of the darkening sky above.

But neither of them seemed to care. They were too caught up in each other to notice. His hands finally let go of hers and rested by her head. This gave her the chance to slip her hands through his pale locks. He groaned slightly as she tugged. Her hands slipped down after a while, tightly holding onto his back.

She could feel her lungs begin to burn from the lack of oxygen. But she didn't want to ruin this moment. It was passionate, blissful and she didn't want it to end. Fortunately, the other seemed to catch on and gently pulled away, giving a soft tug to her lower lip as he did so. The female panted lightly, opening her (E/C) eyes to meet his ocean ones that where half cast, looking down at her, full of so much emotion.

She smiled.

A light, breathtaking smile. One that made the male want to kiss her again, as passionately as he did before. She looked so beautiful, face flushed, looking up at him expectantly.

"You don't need to run to get that feeling." He whispered, sitting up slightly and brushing a thumb over the dark circles under her eyes.

"Can I ask a favour?" She replied, glad that her cheeks were already red. The male above her hummed in response, and she shyly looked up at him, "Do that again."

And he simply smirked.

I watched Captain Marvel, it is so good! Definitely recommend it!

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