Chapter 2

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Lorien POV:
I hate this, going from pack to pack looking for my mate was stupid. Don't get me wrong i wanted to find my mate but the problem was i am Lorien Steele, ruthless and blood thirsty alpha of the eternal moon pack, the strongest pack in the world. I knew that when i found my mate and they saw who i was they would reject me in an instant because of all the things i had done and rejection was the worst thing to happen to a wolf and i didn't want that for me or my mate. Right now i could hear my father's words telling me that having a mate was weakness, that's why he killed his mate my mother after i was born. My father had wanted an heir or more specifically a boy to be like him and take over the alpha and boy was he disappointed to get a girl. Months passed and he finally accepted me which is the reason for my name Lorien a boy's name but i shortened it to Lori but use my full name in important matters. When i first became alpha there was much doubt whether a girl could run a pack successfully but in my reign i had proved myself time and time again.

“We are almost to there” said my beta Xander, i nodded my head looking out the window. We were going to the Mystic Moon pack, the last pack on the list of where my mate could be and i was thankful that after this i could go home. “You know if we don't find your mate here we would start going to packs outside the country ”, “i know Xander, just please don't remind me for now, my head hurts” I said rubbing my head as i sighed, Xander just chuckled at the frustrated look on my face. Outside the window i could see the gates of the mystic moon pack opening to let us in. When the car stopped in front pack house my beta rushed out to open my car door. The pack house was ok but not as big and magnificent as the one in my pack but who was i to judge. The alpha of the pack came out to greet us “Alpha Lorien, I am Alpha Jacob it is a pleasure to have you visit our pack as you search for your mate, may I introduce my mate Lillan and our 19 yr old son Nathan”, “Its a pleasure to meet you Alpha Jacob and your family, I really hope to find end my search here for it has been a long one”. I wasn't truly interested in the conversation or his family or how his was stressing out his sons age thinking i would be interested in him, “shall we move inside” he said while leading me inside the pack house, before i could even enter the house fully i smelt the most intoxicating scent of pine wood and oranges, a weird combination i know but it was intoxicating to me and i knew i had found my mate.

Lorien pic on the top and hair colour, their description will be explained in future chapters.

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