Rest In Peace Félicité Grace

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i'm assuming you've all heard the news by now....

i just wanted to pay my respects by posting this and just restating how sorry i am for the family of fizzy.

fizzy wasn't just "louis tomlinsons sister". she really wasn't.

she earned her own fan base by her hard work in being herself and inspiring those around her. she would stand up for lgbt rights and always saw the best in people.

fizzy was personally someone that i did not pay enough attention to even though she deserved the world while she was still here.

please please please be respectful to the family and do not tag them in anything.

one last thing, i am always here for emotional support!!

i know this is an awfully rough time for the fandom but if we all stick together and help each other then i think we can all overcome our sadness eventually.

please dm my insta at @louisdaintywrists if you need immediate help. but i don't answer during school hours or when i'm asleep i'm so sorry.

again, we need to stick together as ONE fandom. not the larries versus the antis. not the harries versus the louies. but the DIRECTIONERS TOGETHER.

rest in peace angel félicité, you didn't deserve the struggles you had in life but i hope you're being treated better in heaven.

rest peacefully with your mumma 💓

- directioners

larry stylinson proofWhere stories live. Discover now