kiss of darkness 2

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Darkness. Suffocating, blinding. I was lost. I heard nothing, I felt nothing, I saw nothing. I had no idea where I was or what was happening. The last thing I remember...the last thing...that man! My eyes fluttered open as anger and confusion rushed through me. I tried to prop myself up but I couldn't. My hands were behind me, bound tightly by something thin and cutting. I closed my eyes and ran through a list: wrists, bound. Mouth, gagged. Eyes, blindfolded. Legs, free.  

I used my legs to prop myself up. My skirt got caught under me in an uncomfortable position but I was up.  

"Ok, be calm, Kathryn. You've seen this in movies. Gotta stay calm. What can I use to get out of here? First, how can I get free?" I thought to myself. I was generally calm, but this was way out of my league. Here I was thinking my school was so safe. And then here I was, kidnapped. The thought finally hit me, I was kidnapped. I wouldn't be able to see my friends or my family anymore... 

Tears fell of their own accord, but as they fell my blindfold caught them, getting damper and damper by the second. I don't know how long I stayed like that, crying, huddled in the corner. Then after a while, the tears began to dry, the sobs slowly stopped and the hiccups faded. I sat there, wherever I was, in the dark. Then all of a sudden, the darkness was lifted. A hand tore the blindfold away. I blinked quickly, the light was blinding. My eyes slowly focused and I saw the man, or the man's silhouette rather, against the sun.  

It was light, it wasn't a sun. Blinding white lights. Would I ever see the sun again? I felt so disoriented... 

Before I could do anything, I was pulled up by my waist. The man wrapped his arms around my waist and put me over his shoulder. I kicked and wriggled as hard as I could to get out, away, anywhere but here. But it was no use, he was too strong and I was too weak. I watched the floor as he carried me around. The tiles reflected the bright lights and I had to close my eyes again. So tired... Can't sleep. 

"Have to stay awake, have to stay calm, have to get out...." 

He set me down on something soft, I sank into the softness. I opened my eyes again to see that I was on a bed, surrounded by cushions and stuffed animals. This was wrong. Why was I in a bed? The thought of a 'bed' frightened me beyond belief seeing as I was kidnapped. Kidnap and rape go hand in hand don't they? I screamed through my gag and started kicking and squirming as much as I could. 

"Shhhh shhhhh" I heard from someone, the man probably. I felt a hand stroking my hair. I recoiled from the hand, the hand that had taken me away from my life. The hand suddenly pulled me up into a sitting position. I screamed as I saw a needle in the man's other hand. My eyes wandered to his face. I immediately wished I hadn't. He was wearing a mask, it was half red and half gold. His eyes shown, dark, endless, violent, cruel, and confused? They reminded me too much of the daydreams that haunted me for so long. Then the needle pierced my arm. He injected me with something, I don't know what, but it was strong. My vision blurred and I saw him pull out another needle, a buzzing one. Then blackness consumed me once more.

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