End of Flashback 10

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Chapter 10

~Flashback 2~

The alarm rang at 9, and Ramona groaned.

A quiet chuckle came from beside her, 'Wake up hun, don't wanna be late do you?"

Dylan pulled the sheets from the bed with a grin. Ramona slowly sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She yawned and looked at Dylan who plopped down next to her.

"I know you," Ramona said quietly to Dylan. She leaned in and kissed him on the forehead.

"I know you too, now you better get ready, The Place is half an hours drive away," Dylan said in a quiet voice, as if preoccupied with something else.

"Sure thing," Ramona got up quickly, walking to the bathroom, her black hair trailing lightly behind her.

Dylan laid back down on the bed, closing his eyes in thought. His brother had just called out of nowhere. After three years, he just came back. Things wouldn't be the same as before, they couldn't be. He and Ramona were taking things to the next level, their marriage was planned for December, she had already decided.

He smiled at this thought, after two years of dating, he'd finally gotten up the guts. She was just so different compared to other girls; she..she..she couldn't be be described in words.

Then Ramona came out with a black rose shirt with mesh sleeves and skinny jeans. 

"You look awesome," Dylan said, standing up and pulling her into his arms.

"We've gotta go," said Ramona with a giggle. Dylan checked his watch and grabbed her wrist.

~~~~~Skipping the drive there cuz I don't know what to say~~~~~~~

"This is it," said Dylan, opening his door and stepping out. Ramona went out her door and took in her surroundings. They were at a small diner that looked like it'd seen it's share of time.

"You and your brother used to come here?" Ramona asked.

"Yeah, when our um dad was busy, we came here to eat," he explained.

The couple walked in hand in and. Ramona noticed him almost instantly, he had the same dark eyes as Dylan, but there was a more...dark quality.

"Who is this beauty?" the guy asked? He got up, ignoring the girl that was with him. She had wavy read hair and green eyes that stared straight ahead, oblivious to the world round her.

"Hey Jag. This is Ramona. Who's the girl?" Dylan stepped in front of her with a protective aura and nodded at the red head.

"Relax Dylan. She's Holly. Nice isn't she?" Jag asked. A hungry look in his eyes. He looked at Ramona the whole time he talked.

Jag returned to the booth and waved over a waitress. Dylan led Ramona to the booth, holding her hand firmly.

The lunch was otherwise uneventful, it was a quiet, awkward, lunch. Ramona avoided eye contact with Jag, but she watched Holly closely. Holly's movements were quick, precise, but her eyes were distant. Around Holly's neck was a thick metal band. 

"So would you two like to come over to our place?" asked Jag, shattering the silence.

"I don't know if that'd be a good idea," Dylan started.

"Nonsense, it would be wonderful," said Holly. Speaking for the first time. 

Dylan shot Ramona a questioning glance. Ramona shrugged. 

"Hey, don't you have a practice with the studio later?" Ramona asked.

"Oh, damn yeah I do," Dylan said, checking his phone. 

"Well, Ramona can come," Jag insisted, licking his lips.

"What do you wanna do?" asked Dylan, his voice tightening slightly.

"It's settled then, I'll take you," Jag said almost forcefully.

Jag got up, Holly following closely after after. 

"What?" Ramona yelled.

Jag gripped her wrist and pulled her up. Dylan got up and grabbed her other wrist.

"Jag, you can't just take my girl,"he stated. An edge of fierceness appeared in his voice.

"Little bro, I can do what I want," Jag smiled dangerously. Then Dylan began to stumble, grasping the table for support. 

"Maybe you should be more careful what you drink," Jag said with an emotionless face. Ramona felt her head get woozy. She saw Jag's face as he lifted her into his arms. She tried struggling for a minute before her limbs stopped responding.


I woke up bound to a chair. My mouth was gagged and a bright light was shining directly in my eyes. 

A stinging pain was at my throat. Holly sat across from me, watching me with cold eyes.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Hell. Or as close as you're going to get for a while," Holly said with a sad voice. She put a phone to my ear, the only one I'd see in a long time.

I heard a ringing. The ringing continued for a while.

"Hey" Dylan's voice came through the phone.


"You've reached Dylan," his voicemail said, "and me!" I heard my voice come through the phone. 

His chuckle echoed in my head "Call me back!" Then a flat beep followed. 

"Don't ever forget me Dyl--" I screamed at the phone, tears falling freely from my eyes. Where was I? Why did Jag do this?

A sharp pain settled on my cheek. I looked up to see Holly standing over me. 

She snapped the phone shut and gave me a glare that told me to shut up. I hung my head and cried, the tears soaking into my jeans.

"I'm sorry, Rose."

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