24♡ Chapter 2- Alpha's Handsome Mate

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Chapter 2: Daken's story.


Daken's P. O. V


"Don't let anything happen to him" Dad said and I nodded

"I promise, I won't dad" I replied and dad sighed

"Not all wolves are the same Daken" Dad said gently and I shrugged, a blank expression on my face

"I know, mom wasn't a killer" I finally let out with a soft smile and he nodded

"Don't hate werewolves too much yeah? Promise me you won't reject a wolf if you ever turn out to be someone's humam mate" Dad said and I clenched my fist

It was a bit hard but..

"I promise. I don't want to be bind to someone who would love me just because of a stupid bond though. I won't reject my mate, I'll respect what mom was and promise to never hurt my mate but I don't think I'll ever love them if I'm being forced to love them, especially if it's a girl" I mumbled and dad chuckled, ruffling my hair

"Tsk you're purely gay aren't you?" he teased and I cringed

"That was so eww dad! The way you said it" I said, shuddering

"But yeah, I'm gay and I'll be even more reluctant if I get a mate who is a female. Besides, the probability that I am someone's mate is really really low" I trailed and he smiled

"Yet, I'm one of the lucky human since I got a mate like your mom. Katy is my human love, though. I love her" Dad said and I smiled at the mention of Ezra's mom.

"Yeah, she's a great mom"


Ezra and I walked to school with him holding my hands.

My mind went to everything that happened years ago.

My dad, a human found about the existence of werewolves because my mom was one. She gave birth to me, a human since dad's genes was stronger. When I was 3 year old, mom was killed by another wolf and since that day, I've hated them but.. I can't hate what my mom is

My dad told me that many wolves find human mate who reject them or refuse to abandon their human partner for the wolf who ends up dying. He said that it can happen to anyone thus, he told me to never reject my mate if it turned out to be a wolf

I won't reject them, I promised mom that I won't hurt her family but... That doesn't mean I'll readily accept them.

Ezra giggled and I turned to him to see him wave at a wolf which in turned howled.

"What if it attacked you?" I growled, pulling him close. My heart beat quickened at the thought of the wolf being a rogue and it pouncing on my brother.

Ezra pouted and looked on the ground, his lips wobbling

"Sorry" He whimpered and I sighed, ruffling his hair.

"It's alright my Prince" I said and we continued to walk. Just then, a loud growl of anger was heard. A black wolf surged out and when it looked at me, I felt my heart slam against my chest at those gorgeous yellow eyes. The wolf's fur was shining and there was a white patch on his right eyes

However, when it turned to growl at my brother who whimpered, I pulled him close.

What to do?

My thought went to the wolvesbane in my bag that I carried in case a rogue attacked us. I was about to reach for my bag when another brown wolf surged out, growling at the big one

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