Chapter 9

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As our lips melded together, Zuke pulled me down into his lap. To my utmost surprise, I let him. Instead of breaking away after what I figured was an appropriate length of time to fulfill his dare, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He deepened the kiss in response, and I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of his chest pressed against mine.

A tiny voice at the back of my mind yelled at me to stop, insisting that kissing Zuke was a betrayal of Elliot. But there was a second voice, fueled by the anger I felt toward Fletcher, urging me to rebel. Whether I liked it or not, this summer was going to be a new chapter in my life. And no matter how desperately I missed him, Elliot would not be here to fill those pages. The boy I loved so deeply would haunt me for the rest of my life, but at least by kissing Zuke, I was making an effort to tune out those painful memories.

Someone wolf whistled, and the two of us finally broke apart, gasping for air.

A lazy smile tugged on Zuke's lips. "That," he said, quickly dipping his head to brush his mouth against the hollow of my throat, "was hella hot."

Fletcher let out another snort. "That's one word for it."

My cheeks burned, and it occurred to me that I was still sprawled against Zuke, our mouths inches apart. I could see every minute detail of his face, from the stubble on his chin to the tiny scar on his left temple. And how was it fair that he had lashes so dark and long they looked like they belonged in a mascara commercial?

Get your shit together, Evelyn! I scolded myself. I started to move, but before I could climb to my feet, Zuke lifted me with ease, positioning my body so that I was facing the bonfire. The maneuver caught me so off guard that my lips formed a tiny O of surprise.

"All right, Briella," he said, circling his arms around my waist. "It's your turn. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she replied, and everyone's attention returned to the game as if me sitting in Zuke's lap was totally normal. I bit the inside of my cheek, not sure what to do. If I pulled away now the situation might turn awkward, but I also didn't feel comfortable being held by a guy I hardly knew. Maybe I could pretend I needed to pee?

I opened my mouth with the intention of excusing myself to use the bathroom, but then my eyes locked with Fletcher's. His face was blank, but there was something about the way he watched me that felt like a challenge. No way in hell would I surrender to him, so I offered up a sickly-sweet smile and settled deeper into Zuke's arms.

With the ease of someone who was born arrogant, Fletcher raised a brow as if to say, "Am I supposed to care?"

We held gazes for a single, scorching moment before everyone burst out laughing at whatever dumb dare Briella had been designated. Fletcher turned back to his friends, and I suddenly felt like the world's biggest idiot.


"Are you crazy?" Briella exclaimed, nearly an hour later. She, Fletcher, and Zuke were the only players left standing in the wildest game of truth or dare I'd ever witnessed. With each new round, the dares became increasingly embarrassing, disgusting, and downright dangerous. Less than a minute earlier, Henry had bowed out when Turtle disappeared into the cornfield with his empty beer, returned with the cup full of piss, and dared him to drink it.

"Does that mean you pass?" Fletcher asked, toying with the pocket knife he'd whipped out moments ago. His fingers danced around the blade as he twirled it back and forth.

She scoffed at him. "Of course I'm passing, you asshole. Did you honestly think I'd cut off my ponytail to win a stupid game?"

"It's just hair," Fletcher said, returning the knife to his pocket with a shrug, but judging by the upward turn of his lips, he'd known Briella wouldn't accept.

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