Chapter 12

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I nearly spit out my soda at Zuke's question.

Over the past six months, I'd perfected the art of avoiding uncomfortable situations...

Or I thought I had until my arrival in Coldwater. In the short time I'd lived with the Brooks, I'd racked up more awkward encounters than my entire second semester of senior year. Although, maybe that wasn't a fair comparison considering the people here didn't know about the accident. And without that knowledge, they hadn't learned to avoid me yet—being a social pariah helped keep human interaction, and any resulting uncomfortable situations, at a minimum.

Also, I had grossly underestimated Sophia. It never occurred to me that someone as sweet as she could be so cut-throat. But as annoyed as I was, I knew deep down her intentions came from a good place. Because it would probably be best for everyone if I nipped whatever this was between me and Zuke in the bud.

With that being said, it would have been nice to do it on my own terms. That way I'd have time to compose myself, get my thoughts in order, that sort of thing.

Oh well. Guess it was now or never.

"What about last night?" I asked carefully.

Zuke leaned in and hit me with one of his Prince Charming smile. "You know, your initiation dare?"


Why the hell did he want to talk about this shit? Didn't most guys run for cover when girls brought up kissing and feelings and all that jazz?

When I didn't immediately respond, Zuke held a hand up to the side of his mouth and whispered, "Not sure if anyone's told you, but we made out last night."

"Yeah, I was there," I said, fighting the urge to roll my eyes. "Thanks for the reminder, but what exactly is there to talk about?"

Zuke raised an eyebrow, but not in a challenging way. He seemed more amused than annoyed. "So you weren't into it? I mean, I thought it was hot, but maybe I've lost my touch."

"What? I—no, that's not what I meant."

"Okay, then what did you mean?"

"It's just..." I capped a hand over my knee to stop my leg from bouncing a hole through the floor. "I'm not really looking for a relationship right now."

"Good," he said, sounding pleased with my answer. "Neither am I."

I flinched and focused my attention on my glass of Dr. Pepper. All that remained was a bit of watered-down backwash and half melted ice cubes, which I swirled around with a straw. "Or hooking up," I added.

A beat of silence passed.

Two booths down from us, a busboy was clearing a dirty table. Silverware clinked together as he dumped the utensils into a plastic Rubbermaid tub, and the noise sounded thunderous as I waited for Zuke's reply.

"Fair enough," he said at last, easygoing as ever. I jerked my head up to search his expression, and to my astonishment, his lips were still curved into a grin. "I could kinda tell you weren't feeling it, but I wanted to check just incase I read you wrong."

Wait. He'd known I wasn't into him? "What? How?"

"First of all," he said, pointing a finger at me, "the only reason you kissed me was because you were pissed at Fletcher, which I get. He was being a grade A dick. But before he went all douchebag on you? There was something holding you back."

I flinched again. "Sorry."

"Don't be." His smile took a suggestive turn. "You're welcome to use me whenever you like."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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