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One Direction Updates @OneDirectionUpdates

Harry photographed in London with Red Panic's Louis Tomlinson. #LarryStylinson


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Theo is panicking @OfficialTheoJames

It took ten fucking months. Oh my god. Finally.

Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson

Fuck off @OfficialTheoJames

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Charlie @realcharlieedwards

No one would believe what Niall just texted me!!

marieee @lovemeplease

WHAT IS IT @realcharlieedwards?? TELL US KING

Charlie @realcharlieedwards

Don't worry @lovemeplease , you'll find out soon enough. Maybe.

ELLA IS PANICKING @reddirectionfan

MARIEEEEEE CHARLIE NOTICED YOU @lovemeplease @realcharlieedwards

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Celeb News @CelebNews

Check out our new article about One Direction star Harry Styles and Red Panic front-man Louis Tomlinson. We have discovered some SHOCKING inside information about their complicated relationship.

 We have discovered some SHOCKING inside information about their complicated relationship

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Larry Stylinson @larrystylinsonisreal

"Definitely wasn't healthy...Louis was forcing a relationship onto Harry...Harry started distancing himself from his bandmates because Louis forced him to...Red Panic used Louis' control over Harry to gain media attention...Louis used his relationship with Harry to become more popular...Harry was heartbroken when Louis cheated with Danielle Campbell...Louis was just using Harry for his own personal gain, not caring about Harry's emotions." - Anonymous insider for @CelebNews' newest article about Harry and Louis' relationship.

Personally, I think it's bullshit. The pictures of Harry and Louis yesterday showed them being happy and content with each other. Whoever it is is making it seem like Louis' a manipulative asshole, and Harry's a weak baby who can't say no. That's not true at all, and I hope that whoever released that information to the media is removed from Harry's and Louis' lives.

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Harry Styles @Harry_Styles

I find it highly entertaining how someone can claim that they know what is going on in our lives, when truthfully, they're a sour ex-friend who distanced himself out of petty hatred, and is now playing victim. Thank you for contacting me before the article was released, but fuck you.

Harry Styles @Harry_Styles

I'd like to dedicate my next statement to said sour ex-friend.

Harry Styles @Harry_Styles

I am happy and content in my life, and I don't need your weak attempts at sabotage in my timeline.

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