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Mood: Sorrowful, Unsure


You breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the density of the air shift as you walked out of the bedroom, Charles' hand coming quickly to the small of your back. You didn't mind that much, not having to see blood on the floor or knives coming at you under the fake lighting of the warehouse felt almost like freedom. You were just thankful you convinced Charles not to hold your hand.

Two shorter men walked past the two of you, mercilessly giving you a few once-over's. They snickered to themselves.

"Eyes to the floor unless you want to join Enrique."

You couldn't see them anymore, but you could practically feel their body's stiffen up as they finally went away.

Unfortunately, you hadn't persuaded Charles to let you out of the room just to walk around like eye candy. You had an idea in your head. It may just get you out of here unscathed. That is, if Charles would agree to it. Otherwise, there would be no shift in power and nothing you could leverage him for. No matter his charm, the grip he had on your life as you knew it was very real and very strong.

Within a few more silent minutes, a makeshift conference room was went from vacant to occupied as Charles locked the door behind him. He leaned against the wall.

"So." Charles broke the silence, "Tell me what's on your mind."

You took a seat in a metal chair, Charles following. He rested his chin in his right hand, his full focus directed onto you. You took a deep breath before proceeding.

"I know that you've done everything that you can to protect me." You began, catching his attention, "And you know that, out of everyone in this building, I'm the one who owes you my life the most."

You swallowed your pride. If this was going to work, you had to be completely honest with him. No matter what your ego told you.

"But I have a proposition to make with you." You said, causing him to stir from his position with a knowing smirk.

"Ah, there's the catch." He said, kicking back in his chair, "Go on."

You gulped. This was your shot. There was no turning back, and if he denied your request, you would forever be wrapped around his finger. But you were going to do everything in your power to make sure that he couldn't say no.

"The mafia and gang's alike are crime filters in major cities--would you agree?"

His smile faded.

"I do agree, yes."

"And the two are always getting into confrontations with the police, right?" You asked, again earning another dirty look from Charles.

"Where are you going with this?" He asked.

"Please." You said, a desperate tone in your voice, "Hear me out."

He kept his mount shut, reminding himself that this was ultimately his decision, not yours. Besides, it may not even be as big of a deal as he was thinking.

"Charles, this confrontation between the two of us? It may have been a blessing." Charles continued to look away from you, an expression of annoyance on his face. You refrained from letting out a sigh and continued.

"We could be the bridge between the two."

He directed his undivided attention back over to you.

"This sounds like an stupid version of forbidden love. Would you please get to the point?" He requested, agitated.

"I want to go back to the station and form a partnership between them and your gang." You blurted out, stopping Charles in his tracks. He didn't say anything, but the look on his face spoke for itself.

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now