Tuesday (CAMP DAY)

26 1 0

I made the wrong mistake to sit next to Terry Goodenbooger on the bus today because he was bus sick and vomited all on my new shirt. Of course, I didn't know how to use a washing-machine, but I am pretty sure Camp don't have washing-machines ANYWAYS.
When I went to change in the bathroom in the bus, I realized Mum had packed an extra shirt which was the monkey. And a princess looking shirt in black. I couldn't know why mum had only packed three shirts for me to wear when it was three weeks at camp. Then it struck me. Camp was only three days but I must've read it wrong and now I have to chose between monkey and princess.
But luckily, there was a sink at the bathroom and I washed the vomit out and wore the wet shirt with some new black ripped jeans.
Mr.Hawk suggested I should change or I might catch a cold, but it's too hot these days to even catch anything because the sun goes in your eyes.

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